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Dictionary: Spanish to Creole

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My friends bet me I wouldn’t talk to the prettiest girl in the bar. Can I buy you a drink with their money? Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Zanmi m yo te parye m mwen pa t ap pale ak ti fi ki pi bèl nan ba a. Èske mwen ka achte yon bwè ak lajan yo?
English : My friends bet me I wouldn’t talk to the prettiest girl in the bar. Can I buy you a drink with their money?
Français : Mes amis ont parié que je ne parlerais pas à la plus jolie fille du bar. Je peux vous offrir un verre avec leur argent ?
Español : My friends bet me I wouldn’t talk to the prettiest girl in the bar. Can I buy you a drink with their money?
Português : Meus amigos apostaram que eu não falaria com a garota mais bonita do bar. Posso comprar uma bebida para você com o dinheiro deles?

My friends call me (your first name), but you can call me tonight! Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Zanmi m yo rele m '(non ou), men ou ka rele m' aswè a!
English : My friends call me (your first name), but you can call me tonight!
Français : Mes ami(e)s m’appellent (prénom) mais tu peux m’appeler ce soir !
Español : My friends call me (your first name), but you can call me tonight!
Português : Meus amigos me ligam (seu primeiro nome), mas você pode me ligar esta noite!

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