
We have used a lot of resources to collect the various words for the database of Creole101. Basically, we have checked most of the Haitian Creole websites that talk about Haitian Creole, that have lists, and that have texts like news and long articles. Pretty much, much of our contents are collections: Proverbs, Jokes, Quotes, Poems. We try to respect the copyright of each site. That is why we don’t copy and paste from everywhere to our site. However, we have copied and adapted most of our content. Otherwise, it would take us many more years to reach where we are now: A dictionary database with more than 25 000 entries and More than 1 500 Haitian Creole proverbs. We have more than 100 Creole riddles (we will add them soon to the site). And the quotes, are basically translations from many websites.

We started to work on our dictionary since 2005. Unfortunately, we are not able to acknowledge all the people, websites, and books that we consulted. Here is a list of sites that we have consulted or we still use.

  • (We use it to trans late, and then we review the translation. Creole translation are very low quality now.)
  • (That’s a glod standard of Haitian Creole, with the revised Bible and a lot of uptodate articles)
  • (A lot of mistakes in most Creole text, but still a lot of content.)
  • of Emmanuel Verdrine
  • Some publications of Jean Degraff
  • News from Radio Caraibes
  • Youtube Channels like TAK509 mostly for Creole Proverbs and Riddles
  • Blog text articles from various news sites.
  • Texts of Maurice Sixto
  • And a lot more…

THANK YOU for all your texts in Haitian Creole. They boost and help me in creating content for free for