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academic scholarship
Kreyòl : bousdetid akademik
English : academic scholarship
Français : bourse académique
Español : beca académica
Português : bolsa acadêmica

acrimony : Ex : Though they vowed that no girl would ever come between them, Biff and Trevor could not keep acrimony from overwhelming their friendship after they both fell in love with the lovely Teresa. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : akrimon
English : acrimony : Ex : Though they vowed that no girl would ever come between them, Biff and Trevor could not keep acrimony from overwhelming their friendship after they both fell in love with the lovely Teresa.
Français : acrimonie : Ex : Bien qu'ils aient juré qu'aucune fille ne s'interposerait jamais entre eux, Biff et Trevor n'ont pas pu empêcher l'acrimonie de submerger leur amitié après qu'ils soient tous deux tombés amoureux de la charmante Teresa.
Español : Resentimiento: Ejemplo: Aunque juraron que ninguna chica se interpondría entre ellos, Biff y Trevor no pudieron evitar que el resentimiento abrumara su amistad después de que ambos se enamoraran de la encantadora Teresa.
Português : aspereza: Ex: Embora tenham jurado que nenhuma garota jamais se colocaria entre eles, Biff e Trevor não conseguiram evitar que a aspereza dominasse sua amizade depois que ambos se apaixonaram pela adorável Teresa.

affinity relationship
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : affinity relationship

although : Ex : Although the storm raged, the ship sailed on. [adv.]
Kreyòl : byenke
English : although : Ex : Although the storm raged, the ship sailed on.
Français : bien que : Ex : Bien que la tempête ait fait rage, le navire a continué à naviguer.
Español : aunque: Ej: Aunque la tormenta arrecia, el barco siguió navegando.
Português : embora: Ex: Embora a tempestade tenha ocorrido, o navio seguiu em frente.

apprenticeship [n.]
Kreyòl : aprantisaj
English : apprenticeship
Français : apprentissage
Español : aprendizaje
Português : aprendizagem

apprenticeship program
Kreyòl : pwogram aprantisaj
English : apprenticeship program
Français : programme d'apprentissage
Español : programa de aprendizaje
Português : programa de aprendizagem

ashore : Ex : The ship finally arrived ashore. [ekpresyon4]
Kreyòl : atè
English : ashore : Ex : The ship finally arrived ashore.
Français : à terre : Ex : Le navire est finalement arrivé à terre.
Español : en tierra: Ej: El barco finalmente llegó a tierra.
Português : em terra: Ex: O navio finalmente chegou a terra.

bark ship
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : bark ship

beneficiaries: Ex: The beneficiaries of the scholarship program were deserving students from underprivileged backgrounds.
Kreyòl : bénefisyè
English : beneficiaries: Ex: The beneficiaries of the scholarship program were deserving students from underprivileged backgrounds.
Français : bénéficiaires : Ex : Les bénéficiaires du programme de bourses étaient des étudiants méritants issus de milieux défavorisés.
Español : beneficiarios: Ej: Los beneficiarios del programa de becas eran estudiantes merecedores de entornos desfavorecidos.
Português : beneficiários: Ex: Os beneficiários do programa de bolsas eram estudantes merecedores de meios desfavorecidos.

berth ship
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : berth ship

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to ship.

ship, to celebrate, rejoice; to show off; to stroll; to dress ship, decorate ship with flags, although , ashore , bark ship, berth ship, boat, building, ship, captain ship, control , deck ship, forepart ship, founder ship, go down ship, like a ship without a rudder, moor a ship, sail of a ship, State Health Insurance Program (SHIP), stem of ship, stern of ship, steward of ship.

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