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Dictionary: English to Creole

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Aaliyah : Ex : Aaliyah was a talented American singer, actress, and model who tragically passed away in a plane crash in 2001.
Kreyòl : Aaliyah
English : Aaliyah : Ex : Aaliyah was a talented American singer, actress, and model who tragically passed away in a plane crash in 2001.
Français : Aaliyah : Ex : Aaliyah était une talentueuse chanteuse, actrice et mannequin américaine décédée tragiquement dans un accident d'avion en 2001.
Español : Aaliyah: Ej: Aaliyah era una talentosa cantante, actriz y modelo estadounidense que falleció trágicamente en un accidente aéreo en 2001.
Português : Aaliyah: Ex: Aaliyah foi uma talentosa cantora, atriz e modelo americana que faleceu tragicamente em um acidente de avião em 2001.

aba : Ex : "ABA" could refer to the American Bar Association, a professional organization for lawyers and law students in the United States.
Kreyòl : aba
English : aba : Ex : "ABA" could refer to the American Bar Association, a professional organization for lawyers and law students in the United States.
Français : aba : Ex : "ABA" pourrait faire référence à l'American Bar Association, une organisation professionnelle d'avocats et d'étudiants en droit aux États-Unis.
Español : aba
Português : aba: Ex: "ABA" pode se referir à American Bar Association, uma organização profissional para advogados e estudantes de direito nos Estados Unidos.

abc : Ex : "ABC" is often used to refer to the alphabet or as an acronym for the American Broadcasting Company. [n.]
Kreyòl : abc
English : abc : Ex : "ABC" is often used to refer to the alphabet or as an acronym for the American Broadcasting Company.
Français : abc : Ex : "ABC" est souvent utilisé pour désigner l'alphabet ou comme acronyme de l'American Broadcasting Company.
Español : abc: Ej: "ABC" se utiliza a menudo para referirse al alfabeto o como acrónimo de American Broadcasting Company.
Português : abc: Ex: "ABC" é frequentemente usado para se referir ao alfabeto ou como um acrônimo para American Broadcasting Company.

Administration for Native Americans (ANA)
Kreyòl : Administrasyon pou Ameriken Natifnatal yo (ANA)
English : Administration for Native Americans (ANA)
Français : Administration pour les Amérindiens (ANA)
Español : Oficina de Asuntos Indígenas Nativos de los EE. UU.
Português : Administração para os nativos americanos (ANA)

African American Topic: Medikal.
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : African American

Kreyòl : Afriken-Ameriken yo
English : African-Americans
Français : Afro-américains
Español : (los) afroamericanos
Português : Afro-americanos

africanamerican [adj.]
Kreyòl : Afriken Ameriken
English : africanamerican
Français : Afro-américain
Español : afroamericano
Português : afro-americano

AHCA: American Health Care Association Topic: Enfimyè.
Kreyòl : Asosyasyon Swen Sante Ameriken
English : AHCA: American Health Care Association
Français : Association américaine des soins de santé
Español : Asociación Americana de Atención Médica
Português : Associação Americana de cuidados de saúde

American Academy of Family Physicians
Kreyòl : Akademi Ameriken pou Doktè Fanmi
English : American Academy of Family Physicians
Français : Académie américaine des médecins de famille
Español : Academia Estadounidense de Médicos de Familia
Português : Academia Americana de Médicos de Família

American Bar Association (ABA)
Kreyòl : Asosyasyon Bar Ameriken (ABA)
English : American Bar Association (ABA)
Français : Association du barreau américain (ABA)
Español : Colegio de Abogados de EE. UU. (ABA, por sus siglas en inglés)
Português : Associação Americana de Advogados (ABA)

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to American.

American, aba , abc , African American, AHCA: American Health Care Association, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Bar Association (ABA), American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging, American Battle Monuments Commission, American Civil War; United States Civil War; War between the States, American College Test (ACT), American Customer Satisfaction Index, American Dental Association (ADA), American football, American Indian, American Indian tribe, American Job Centers (One-Stop Career Centers), American Medical Association (AMA), American Opportunity Tax Credit.

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