Online Haitian Creole Dictionary (Alpha mode): verb conjugation, Creole Proverbs, Creole Quotes, Rhymes, Haiti of Yesteryear and Today.

Haitian Creole Dictionary

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Vizit: 1 English : paradox
Français : paradoxe
Español : paradoja
Português : paradoxo

paradoks Definition: [n.] Kolèj. Egz.:
Vizit: 0 English : paradox : Ex : The diplomat failed to recognize the paradox that negotiating a peace treaty would require more resources than waging war.
Français : paradoxe : Ex : Le diplomate n'a pas compris le paradoxe selon lequel négocier un traité de paix nécessiterait plus de ressources que faire la guerre.
Español : paradoja: Ej: El diplomático no reconoció la paradoja de que negociar un tratado de paz requeriría más recursos que hacer la guerra.
Português : paradoxo: Ex: O diplomata não reconheceu o paradoxo de que negociar um tratado de paz exigiria mais recursos do que travar uma guerra.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to "paradoks".

paradòks marasa.

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