(traduction en angalis)
tapir, se (to crouch, stoop with the limbs pulled close to the body)
tarir (to dry up [spring, tears], run dry [imagination])
tarir, se (to run dry, dry up [source, imagination])
ternir (to lose luster [silver], tarnish [reputation])
ternir, se (to lose luster [silver])
tiédir (to become lukewarm [water], cool off [friendship], cool down)
trahir (to betray, give away (secret), misrepresent (thought))
trahir, se (to give o.s. away)
transir ((lit.) to chill to the bone [cold], benumb, paralyze [fright])
travestir (to disguise, misrepresent (thought))
travestir, se (to dress as sb of the opposite sex)


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