(traduction en angalis)
ébahir (to astound, flabbergast)
ébahir (to gape at, stand dumbfounded at)
éblouir (to dazzle)
éclaircir (to clear up (mystery), thin (forest))
éclaircir (to clear up [weather], become clearer [situation], become thinner [hair])
écrouir ((tech). to hammer-harden (metal))
élargir (to widen (road), set free (prisoner))
élargir (to widen out, extend)
embellir (to embellish, make more beautiful)
embellir (to become more beautiful)
emboutir (to stamp, press (metal), run into (car))
emboutir (to collide [cars])
embrunir ((rare) to make brown, darken)
embrunir ((rare) to darken)
emplir (to fill up)
emplir (to fill up with)
empuantir (to fill with stink, with bad odour)
enchérir (to go up in price, make a higher bid)
endolorir (to make painful, sore (limb))
endolorir (to become painful)
endurcir (to toughen, harden to)
enfouir (to bury)
enfouir (to bury o.s.)
engloutir (to run through (fortune), gobble up (food))
engloutir (to sink [boat], be engulfed)
engourdir (to benumb (mind, limb) [cold, heat])
engourdir (to grow numb [limb])
enhardir (to make bolder)
enhardir (to become bolder)
enlaidir (to make ugly)
enlaidir (to grow ugly)
ennoblir (to ennoble (sb), improve the quality (product))
enorgueillir (to make proud)
enrichir (to enrich, make wealthy)
enrichir (to grow rich, make money)
ensevelir (to shroud (corpse), bury, entomb)
ensevelir (to disappear (under ruins))
envahir (to invade)
épaissir (to thicken (sauce), get thicker)
épaissir (to become thick [smoke], thicken [hair, fog], grow fat)
épanouir (to open out [flower], light up [face], blossom out [beauty])
estourbir ((lit.) to stun [by a blow], to stupefy)
établir (to establish (business), set up (record), prove (fact))
établir (to establish o.s. (in a place), become established [custom])
étourdir (to stun, make dizzy)
évanouir (to faint)


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