(traduction en angalis)
rabougrir, se (to become stunted [plant])
raccourcir (to shorten, reduce the length of)
raccourcir, se (to become shorter)
racornir (to make as hard as horn [leather], harden)
racornir, se (to become as hard as horn)
radoucir (to soften (tone), make milder (weather) [wind])
radoucir, se (to calm down, become milder [weather])
raffermir (to strengthen (authority), steady (prices), fortify (courage))
raffermir, se (to harden [muscle], improve [health], steady [prices])
rafraîchir (to cool down (drink, room), refresh (memory), freshen up (colour))
rafraîchir, se (to become cooler [weather], to refresh o.s., to have sth to drink)
ragaillardir (to cheer up (depressed or tired person))
ragaillardir, se (to cheer o.s. up)
raidir (to stiffen (cable))
raidir, se (to brace o.s., become stiff [cable])
rajeunir (to make sb look or feel younger, rejuvenate)
rajeunir, se (to make o.s. younger or look younger)
ralentir (to slow down (pace), slacken (efforts))
ralentir, se (to slow down [production], slow up, become slow)
ramollir (to soften (butter, wax, sb))
ramollir, se (to become soft)
rancir (to become rancid [oil, butter, fat])
rancir, se (to become old [ideas])
ravilir (to degrade, vilify)
ravir (to delight (sb), give great pleasure)
ravir qch qn (to rob sb of sth)
réagir (to react to)
réassortir (to restock (shop), to replace (glasses))
réassortir, s (to stock up again)
rebâtir (to rebuild)
reblanchir (to whiten again)
rebondir (to bounce [ball], to rebound [from depression, disappointment])
reconvertir (to reconvert)
reconvertir, se (to take up a new activity)
recrépir (to roughcast again (wall))
redémolir (to redemolish)
réfléc (to reflect (light))
réfléc (to think about)
réfléc (to be reflected [light], reverberate [sound])
refleurir (to flower again, blossom again, flourish anew)
refroidir (to cool down (enthusiasm))
refroidir, se (to turn cold [weather], to cool down [room])
regarnir (to restock (shelves), refill (purse))
régir (to govern, require (subjunctive, indicative))
regrossir (to gain weight again)
réinvestir (to reinvest)
rejaillir (to splash back [water, mud])
rejaillir sur (to fall back on [shame, disgrace])
réjouir (to delight)
réjouir, se (to be glad of, be delighted to)
rélargir (to widen further)
rembrunir, se ((rare) to cloud over [sky], darken, become sad [face])
remplir (to fill (glass, questionnaire))
renchérir (to increase in price [goods])
renchérir sur (to outbid, to outdo (sb))
répartir (to distribute (heath, weight), spread (risk, payments), divide up (work))
répartir, se (to divide (in two groups), divide up among each other (work))
répartir en, (to be divided up into)
repolir (to repolish)
resalir (to dirty again)
resplendir (to shine [metal])
ressaisir (to recapture (fugitive))
ressaisir, se (to regain one's self-control)
ressortir (to purtain to, be under the jurisdiction of (court, country))
res(s)urgir (to re-emerge, rise again)
rétablir (to restore (order), recover (health), re-establish (contact))
rétablir, se (to recover, get well again)
retentir (to ring [doorbell, trumpet, words])
rétréc (to make smaller or shorter (skirt, pants), narrow (street), shrink (garment))
rétréc (to become narrower [street])
rétroagir (to have a retroactive effect, act on the past)
réunir (to join together (things), gather (information), convene (assembly))
réunir, se (to meet, gather together)
réussir (to succeed to)
rosir (to blush, become pink)
rôtir (to roast (meat), toast (bread))
rôtir au solei (to bask in the sun)
rougir (to turn red, blush, flush (from fever, embarrassment, emotion))
rouir ((tech.) to steep, soak in liquid (flax))
roussir (to russet or brown (meat, linen))
rugir (to roar [lion], howl [wind])
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