(traduction en angalis)
faiblir (to weaken, lose power [engine], abate [wind])
farcir (to stuff with (poultry), cram with (ideas, quotations))
finir (to finish, end)
fléchir (to bend (knee), sag [knees], weaken [currency])
flétrir (to wither up [flower], slur [reputation])
flétrir, se (to wither [flower])
fleurir (to blossom [plant] (imparfait fleurissait); thrive, flourish (imparfait florissait))
forcir (to grow stronger [wind], to grow strong [child])
fouir (to dig ground [animal])
fourbir (to furbish (arm), polish up (metal object))
fournir (to supply, provide, follow suit (when playing cards))
fraîchir (to become cooler [weather])
franchir (to jump over (ditch), get over (difficulty), break (sound barrier))
frémir (to quiver with, shiver with)
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