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Dictionary: English to Creole

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accept : Ex : Acceptance is the first step towards understanding. [v.]
Kreyòl : aksepte
English : accept : Ex : Acceptance is the first step towards understanding.
Français : accepter : Ex : L'acceptation est le premier pas vers la compréhension.
Español : aceptar: Ej: La aceptación es el primer paso hacia la comprensión.
Português : aceitar: Ex: Aceitação é o primeiro passo para a compreensão.

associate: Ex: He chose to associate himself with people who shared his values and ambitions, believing that such connections would propel him toward success. [v.]
Kreyòl : asosye
English : associate: Ex: He chose to associate himself with people who shared his values and ambitions, believing that such connections would propel him toward success.
Français : associé : Ex : Il a choisi de s'associer avec des personnes qui partageaient ses valeurs et ses ambitions, croyant que de telles relations le propulseraient vers le succès.
Español : asociado: Ej: Eligió asociarse con personas que compartían sus valores y ambiciones, creyendo que tales conexiones lo impulsarían hacia el éxito.
Português : associar: Ex: Ele optou por se associar a pessoas que compartilhassem seus valores e ambições, acreditando que tais conexões o impulsionariam para o sucesso.

bean : Ex : The beanstalk grew towards the sea's horizon. [n.]
Kreyòl : pwa
English : bean : Ex : The beanstalk grew towards the sea's horizon.
Français : haricot : Ex : La tige du haricot poussait vers l'horizon de la mer.
Español : frijol: Ej: El tallo de frijol creció hacia el horizonte del mar.
Português : feijão: Ex: O pé de feijão cresceu em direção ao horizonte do mar.

by, towards
Kreyòl : bò kote
English : by, towards
Français : par, vers
Español : por, hacia
Português : por, em direção

fail: Ex: Failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards growth and learning. Topic: Lekòl.
Kreyòl : echwe
English : fail: Ex: Failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards growth and learning.
Français : échouer : Ex : L’échec n’est pas la fin mais un tremplin vers la croissance et l’apprentissage.
Español : fallar: Ej: El fracaso no es el final sino un trampolín hacia el crecimiento y el aprendizaje.
Português : falhar: Ex: O fracasso não é o fim, mas um trampolim para o crescimento e o aprendizado.

fidelity : Ex : Guard dogs are renowned for the unwavering fidelity they display towards their masters. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : fidelite
English : fidelity : Ex : Guard dogs are renowned for the unwavering fidelity they display towards their masters.
Français : fidélité : Ex : Les chiens de garde sont réputés pour la fidélité sans faille dont ils font preuve envers leurs maîtres.
Español : fidelidad: Ej: Los perros guardianes son famosos por la fidelidad inquebrantable que muestran hacia sus amos.
Português : fidelidade: Ex: Os cães de guarda são conhecidos pela fidelidade inabalável que demonstram para com seus donos.

good disposition, good manner toward, good quality, nice. Ex.: This girl is nice [Ekspresyon]
Kreyòl : bon jan
English : good disposition, good manner toward, good quality, nice. Ex.: This girl is nice
Français : bonne disposition, bonnes manières, bonne qualité, gentil, gentille Ex : Cette fille est gentille
Español : buena disposición, agradable Ej: Esta chica es agradable
Português : boa qualidade, boa disposição Ex: Essa garota é legal

gravity : Ex : Gravity is the force that pulls objects toward each other. [n.] Topic: Fizik.
Kreyòl : pezantè
English : gravity : Ex : Gravity is the force that pulls objects toward each other.
Français : gravité : Ex : La gravité est la force qui attire les objets les uns vers les autres.
Español : gravedad: Ej: La gravedad es la fuerza que atrae los objetos entre sí.
Português : gravidade: Ex: A gravidade é a força que puxa os objetos uns em direção aos outros.

haughty :Ex : The superstar's haughty attitude towards her costars will eventually come back to haunt her. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : ògeye
English : haughty :Ex : The superstar's haughty attitude towards her costars will eventually come back to haunt her.
Français : hautain :Ex : L'attitude hautaine de la superstar envers ses coéquipiers finira par revenir la hanter.
Español : altiva: Ejemplo: La actitud altiva de la superestrella hacia sus coprotagonistas eventualmente volverá en su contra.
Português : arrogante: Ex: A atitude arrogante da superestrela em relação a seus colegas acabará voltando para assombrá-la.

north : Ex : The compass needle points towards North. [n.] Topic: Lanati.
Kreyòl : nò
English : north : Ex : The compass needle points towards North.
Français : nord : Ex : L'aiguille de la boussole pointe vers le Nord.
Español : norte: Ej: La aguja de la brújula apunta hacia el Norte.
Português : norte: Ex: A agulha da bússola aponta para o Norte.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to toward.

toward , toward , associate, good disposition, good manner toward, good quality, nice, gravity , ominous , process, step (toward sth.), to be rude, to be mean toward, to be rude, to be mean toward, to flee Haiti by boat to head toward Florida, to head toward, toward his children, toward their children’s children.

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