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1 Results for to deceive one's spouse, cuckold

to deceive one's spouse, cuckold [v.]
Kreyòl : bay zoklo
English : to deceive one's spouse, cuckold
Français : tromper son conjoint, cocu
Español : engañar a la esposa, cornudo
Português : enganar o cônjuge, corno

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to to deceive one's spouse, cuckold.

to have an unfaithful spouse, be deceived by one's spouse, deceive , one-fourth; fourth; one-quarter; quarter; fourth part; twenty-five percent; quartern , do one's duty, do one's, to feel a tightness in one's chest; to feel a weight upon one's chest, Is Haitian Creole a language? , Apply for Retirement, Spouse's or Medicare Benefits (Online application), Certification of Election for Reduced Spouse's Benefits (Form SSA-25), Social Security spouse's benefits, April Fools' Day, All Fools' Day, April Fool's Day, to be + gerund Ex:. Wait for me, I'm coming, I'm eating. / We'll always be able to leave anyway, Valentine Day; Valentine's Day; Saint Valentine's Day; St Valentine's Day; February 14, abandoned spouse, disabled surviving divorced spouse, disabled surviving spouse, divorced spouse, spouse, spouse (female), surviving divorced spouse.

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