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Dictionary: English to Creole

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abattoir; butchery; shambles; slaughterhouse : Ex : The abattoir was a scene of organized chaos, with butchers skillfully working amidst the shambles of meat and blood.
Kreyòl : abatwa
English : abattoir; butchery; shambles; slaughterhouse : Ex : The abattoir was a scene of organized chaos, with butchers skillfully working amidst the shambles of meat and blood.
Français : abattoir; boucherie; pagaille; abattoir : Ex : L'abattoir était une scène de chaos organisé, avec des bouchers travaillant habilement au milieu d'un chaos de viande et de sang.
Español : matadero; carnicería; ruinas; matadero: Ej: El matadero era un escenario de caos organizado, con carniceros trabajando hábilmente en medio del caos de carne y sangre.
Português : abatedouro; açougue; confusão; matadouro: Ex: O matadouro era um cenário de caos organizado, com açougueiros trabalhando habilmente em meio à confusão de carne e sangue.

author: Ex: The author skillfully crafted a captivating story. [n.] Topic: Pwofesyon.
Kreyòl : otè
English : author: Ex: The author skillfully crafted a captivating story.
Français : auteur : Ex : L'auteur a habilement conçu une histoire captivante.
Español : autor: Ej: El autor elaboró hábilmente una historia cautivadora.
Português : autor: Ex: O autor elaborou habilmente uma história cativante.

beguile : Ex : The thief skillfully beguiled his partners, coaxing them into surrendering all of their money to him. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : twonpe
English : beguile : Ex : The thief skillfully beguiled his partners, coaxing them into surrendering all of their money to him.
Français : beguile : Ex : Le voleur a habilement séduit ses partenaires, les persuadant de lui céder tout leur argent.
Español : seguir: Ej: El ladrón engañó hábilmente a sus socios, convenciéndolos para que le entregaran todo su dinero.
Português : enganar: Ex: O ladrão enganou habilmente seus parceiros, persuadindo-os a entregar todo o seu dinheiro a ele.

skillfully : Ex : She painted skillfully with delicate brushstrokes.
Kreyòl : abilman
English : skillfully : Ex : She painted skillfully with delicate brushstrokes.
Français : habilement : Ex : Elle peignait habilement avec des coups de pinceau délicats.
Español : hábilmente: Ej: Pintaba hábilmente con delicadas pinceladas.
Português : habilmente: Ex: Ela pintou habilmente com pinceladas delicadas.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to skillfully.

skillfully , author, beguile .

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