Creole101 is a smart Haitian Creole Dictionary in 5 languages (see Creole101). It also has Creole Proverbs, Creole Riddles, Quotes, list of 200+ English irregular verbs, Blog. And many more tools in Haitian Creole!

Dictionary: English to Creole

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distinguish, recognize
Kreyòl : rekonnèt
English : distinguish, recognize
Français : distinguer, reconnaître
Español : distinguir, reconocer
Português : distinguir, reconhecer

fortu : Ex : Fortu isn't a recognized term in English. Did you mean fortunate?
Kreyòl : ere
English : fortu : Ex : Fortu isn't a recognized term in English. Did you mean fortunate?
Français : fortu : Ex : Fortu n'est pas un terme reconnu en anglais. Vouliez-vous dire chanceux ?
Español : fortu: Ej: Fortu no es un término reconocido en inglés. ¿Quiso decir afortunado?
Português : fortu: Ex: Fortu não é um termo reconhecido em inglês. Você quis dizer sorte?

paradox : Ex : The diplomat failed to recognize the paradox that negotiating a peace treaty would require more resources than waging war. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : paradoks
English : paradox : Ex : The diplomat failed to recognize the paradox that negotiating a peace treaty would require more resources than waging war.
Français : paradoxe : Ex : Le diplomate n'a pas compris le paradoxe selon lequel négocier un traité de paix nécessiterait plus de ressources que faire la guerre.
Español : paradoja: Ej: El diplomático no reconoció la paradoja de que negociar un tratado de paz requeriría más recursos que hacer la guerra.
Português : paradoxo: Ex: O diplomata não reconheceu o paradoxo de que negociar um tratado de paz exigiria mais recursos do que travar uma guerra.

recognize it underground
Kreyòl : rekonèt li anba tè
English : recognize it underground
Français : le reconnaître sous terre
Español : reconocerlo bajo tierra
Português : reconhecê-lo no subsolo

recognize you as such
Kreyòl : rekonèt ou tèl kote
English : recognize you as such
Français : te reconnaître comme tel
Español : reconocerte como tal
Português : reconhecê-lo como tal

recognize: Ex: Do you recognize the person in this photo? [v.] Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : rekonèt
English : recognize: Ex: Do you recognize the person in this photo?
Français : reconnaître : Ex : Reconnaissez-vous la personne sur cette photo ?
Español : reconocer: Ej: ¿Reconoces a la persona en esta foto?
Português : reconhecer: Ex: Você reconhece a pessoa nesta foto?

recognize: Ex: I recognize your prompt. [v.]
Kreyòl : rekonèt
English : recognize: Ex: I recognize your prompt.
Français : reconnaître : Ex : je reconnais votre invite.
Español : reconocer: Ej: reconozco tu mensaje.
Português : reconhecer: Ex: reconheço sua solicitação.

Kreyòl : rekonèt
English : recognized
Français : reconnu
Español : Reconocido
Português : reconhecido

Kreyòl : rekonèt
English : recognizes
Français : reconnaît
Español : reconoce
Português : reconhece

vacuous : Ex : Beyoncé recognized the vacuous nature of the lyrics she had just written and attempted to infuse them with more substance. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : vacuous
English : vacuous : Ex : Beyoncé recognized the vacuous nature of the lyrics she had just written and attempted to infuse them with more substance.
Français : vide : Ex : Beyoncé a reconnu le caractère creux des paroles qu'elle venait d'écrire et a tenté de leur insuffler plus de substance.
Español : vacío: Ej: Beyoncé reconoció la naturaleza vacía de las letras que acababa de escribir e intentó infundirles más sustancia.
Português : vazio: Ex: Beyoncé reconheceu a natureza vazia das letras que ela acabara de escrever e tentou infundi-las com mais substância.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to recognize.

recognize, recognize, paradox , recognize it underground, recognize you as such.

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