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Dictionary: English to Creole

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a mortar and pestle. Ex: Two kids stamping in a mortar. [n.]
Kreyòl : pilon
English : a mortar and pestle. Ex: Two kids stamping in a mortar.
Français : un mortier et pilon. Ex.: Deux enfants pilant au mortier.
Español : un mortero. Ej: Dos niños majando en un mortero.
Português : um almofariz e um pilão. Ex: Duas crianças amassando num pilão.

abduct : Ex : The evildoers kidnapped the fairy princess from her joyful home. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : kidnape
English : abduct : Ex : The evildoers kidnapped the fairy princess from her joyful home.
Français : enlèvement : Ex : Les malfaiteurs ont kidnappé la fée princesse de sa joyeuse maison.
Español : secuestrar: Ej: Los malhechores secuestraron a la princesa de las hadas de su alegre hogar.
Português : sequestrar: Ex: Os malfeitores sequestraram a princesa fada de sua casa alegre.

Acute kidney injury AKI Topic: Medikal.
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : Acute kidney injury AKI

allow: Ex:Do you allow your kids to play outside the house? [v.] Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : pèmèt
English : allow: Ex:Do you allow your kids to play outside the house?
Français : autoriser : Ex : Autorisez-vous vos enfants à jouer à l'extérieur de la maison ?
Español : permitir: Ej: ¿Permite que sus hijos jueguen fuera de casa?
Português : permitir: Ex:Você permite que seus filhos brinquem fora de casa?

become kidnappings
Kreyòl : vin fè dappiyanp
English : become kidnappings
Français : venez-dappiyanp
Español : ven a hacer dappiyanp
Português : venha fazer dappiyanp

Chronic kidney disease CKD Topic: Medikal.
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : Chronic kidney disease CKD

force : Ex: Don’t force him to play with other kids. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : fòs
English : force : Ex: Don’t force him to play with other kids.
Français : forcer : Ex : Ne le forcez pas à jouer avec d'autres enfants.
Español : fuerza: Ej: No lo obligues a jugar con otros niños.
Português : forçar: Ex: Não o force a brincar com outras crianças.

great : Ex: This ice cream place is great for families with kids! Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : gwo
English : great : Ex: This ice cream place is great for families with kids!
Français : super : Ex : Ce glacier est idéal pour les familles avec enfants !
Español : Genial: Ej: ¡Esta heladería es ideal para familias con niños!
Português : ótimo: Ex: Essa sorveteria é ótima para famílias com crianças!

Hi kiddo (usually for a child) Topic: Salitasyon.
Kreyòl : Hi kiddo (anjeneral pou yon timoun)
English : Hi kiddo (usually for a child)
Français : Salut mon grand/salut ma grande
Español : Hola chico (generalmente para un niño)
Português : Oi garoto (geralmente para uma criança)

Infections eg kidney urosepsis Topic: Medikal.
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : Infections eg kidney urosepsis

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to kid.

kid , kid oneself, kid, novice, to joke, to kid around; to talk or act foolishly; to work in vain, accomplish nothing; to deceive.

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