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Dictionary: English to Creole

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about, of : Ex: Let's talk about the importance of education. [Prepozisyon] Topic: Gramè.
Kreyòl : de
English : about, of : Ex: Let's talk about the importance of education.
Français : à propos de, de : Ex : Parlons de l'importance de l'éducation.
Español : acerca de, de: Ej: Hablemos de la importancia de la educación.
Português : sobre, de: Ex: Vamos falar sobre a importância da educação.

dissonance : Ex : While the company president frequently emphasized the importance of the workers, her choice to raise her own salary instead of rewarding her employees exposed a notable dissonance between her professed beliefs and her actions. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : disonans
English : dissonance : Ex : While the company president frequently emphasized the importance of the workers, her choice to raise her own salary instead of rewarding her employees exposed a notable dissonance between her professed beliefs and her actions.
Français : dissonance : Ex : Alors que la présidente de l'entreprise soulignait fréquemment l'importance des travailleurs, son choix d'augmenter son propre salaire au lieu de récompenser ses employés a révélé une dissonance notable entre ses convictions déclarées et ses actions.
Español : disonancia: Ej: Si bien la presidenta de la empresa enfatizaba con frecuencia la importancia de los trabajadores, su decisión de aumentar su propio salario en lugar de recompensar a sus empleados expuso una notable disonancia entre sus creencias profesadas y sus acciones.
Português : dissonância: Ex: Embora o presidente da empresa frequentemente enfatizasse a importância dos trabalhadores, sua escolha de aumentar seu próprio salário em vez de recompensar seus funcionários expôs uma dissonância notável entre suas crenças professadas e suas ações.

emphasis; accent : Ex : Her emphasis on the importance of education was clear. Topic: lengwistik.
Kreyòl : anfaz
English : emphasis; accent : Ex : Her emphasis on the importance of education was clear.
Français : emphase; accent : Ex : Son accent sur l'importance de l'éducation était clair.
Español : énfasis; acento: Ej: Su énfasis en la importancia de la educación fue claro.
Português : ênfase; sotaque: Ex: Sua ênfase na importância da educação era clara.

harangue : Ex :But on this occasion, the teacher delivered a harangue to the class emphasizing the importance of brushing teeth after chewing gum. Everyone was familiar with the teacher's lecture on gum chewing in class. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : langaj
English : harangue : Ex :But on this occasion, the teacher delivered a harangue to the class emphasizing the importance of brushing teeth after chewing gum. Everyone was familiar with the teacher's lecture on gum chewing in class.
Français : harangue : Ex :Mais à cette occasion, le professeur a livré une harangue à la classe soulignant l'importance de se brosser les dents après avoir mâché un chewing-gum. Tout le monde connaissait le cours du professeur sur la mastication du chewing-gum en classe.
Español : arenga: Ej:Pero en esta ocasión, la maestra pronunció una arenga a la clase enfatizando la importancia de cepillarse los dientes después de mascar chicle. Todos estaban familiarizados con la conferencia del profesor sobre mascar chicle en clase.
Português : arenga : Ex :Mas nesta ocasião a professora fez uma arenga para a turma enfatizando a importância de escovar os dentes depois de mascar chiclete. Todos estavam familiarizados com a palestra do professor sobre mascar chiclete em sala de aula.

importance : Ex : The sea holds immense importance for marine life.
Kreyòl : enpotans
English : importance : Ex : The sea holds immense importance for marine life.
Français : importance : Ex : La mer revêt une immense importance pour la vie marine.
Español : importancia: Ej: El mar tiene una inmensa importancia para la vida marina.
Português : importância: Ex: O mar tem imensa importância para a vida marinha.

importance : Ex : Understanding the importance of the sea is vital. [n.]
Kreyòl : enpòtans
English : importance : Ex : Understanding the importance of the sea is vital.
Français : importance : Ex : Comprendre l'importance de la mer est vital.
Español : importancia: Ej: entender la importancia del mar es vital.
Português : importância: Ex: Compreender a importância do mar é vital.

large landowner, big landowner. 2. person of importance [in rural area]
Kreyòl : grandon
English : large landowner, big landowner. 2. person of importance [in rural area]
Français : grand propriétaire terrien, grand propriétaire terrien. 2. personne d'importance [en zone rurale]
Español : gran terrateniente, gran terrateniente. 2. Persona de importancia [en zona rural]
Português : grande proprietário de terras, grande proprietário de terras. 2. pessoa importante [na área rural].

paramount : Ex : It was of paramount importance that the bomb squad disconnect the blue wire before removing the fuse. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : esansyèl
English : paramount : Ex : It was of paramount importance that the bomb squad disconnect the blue wire before removing the fuse.
Français : primordial : Ex : Il était primordial que la brigade anti-bombe débranche le fil bleu avant de retirer le fusible.
Español : primordial: Ej: Era de suma importancia que el escuadrón antiexplosivos desconectara el cable azul antes de quitar el fusible.
Português : primordial: Ex: Era de suma importância que o esquadrão antibomba desconectasse o fio azul antes de remover o fusível.

to mention, cite; to quote : Ex : In his speech, he mentioned the importance of teamwork. [v.]
Kreyòl : site
English : to mention, cite; to quote : Ex : In his speech, he mentioned the importance of teamwork.
Français : mentionner, citer; citer : Ex : Dans son discours, il a évoqué l'importance du travail d'équipe.
Español : mencionar, citar; para citar: Ej: En su discurso, mencionó la importancia del trabajo en equipo.
Português : mencionar, citar; para citar: Ex: Em sua fala, ele mencionou a importância do trabalho em equipe.

weight importance
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : weight importance

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to importance.

importance , importance , dissonance , emphasis; accent , harangue , large landowner, big landowner. 2. person of importance [in rural area], paramount , to mention, cite; to quote , weight importance.

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