Online Haitian Creole Dictionary (Alpha mode): verb conjugation, Creole Proverbs, Creole Quotes, Rhymes, Haiti of Yesteryear and Today.

Dictionary: English to Creole

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(rank; office; prestige) : Ex : "His rank in the military gave him prestige. [n.]
Kreyòl : abesè
English : (rank; office; prestige) : Ex : "His rank in the military gave him prestige.
Français : (grade; fonction; prestige) : Ex : "Son grade dans l'armée lui donnait du prestige.
Español : (rango; cargo; prestigio): Ej: "Su rango en el ejército le daba prestigio.
Português : (posto; cargo; prestígio): Ex: "Sua posição no exército deu-lhe prestígio.

(We must) admit the merit of our enemy. [LIT.] Hate the dog but say his teeth are white. [Ekspresyon]
Kreyòl : Rayi chyen di dan l blan
English : (We must) admit the merit of our enemy. [LIT.] Hate the dog but say his teeth are white.
Français : (Nous devons) admettre le mérite de notre ennemi. [LIT.] Déteste le chien mais dis que ses dents sont blanches.
Español : (Debemos) admitir el mérito de nuestro enemigo. [LIT.] Odio al perro pero digo que tiene los dientes blancos.
Português : (Devemos) admitir o mérito do nosso inimigo. [LIT.] Odeio o cachorro, mas digo que os dentes dele são brancos.

Ex.: His feet stink [adj.]
Kreyòl : mayas
English : Ex.: His feet stink
Français : Ex.: Ses pieds puent
Español : n: el hedor, el tufo, la hediondez; v: apestar, oler mal, heder Ej.: Sus pies apestan
Português : n: o fedor, o mau cheiro;
v: feder , tresandar , empestearEx.: Seus pés fedem

a whisper, a whispering / to whisper [n./v.] Topic: Onomatope.
Kreyòl : chwichwichwichwi
English : a whisper, a whispering / to whisper
Français : un murmure, un chuchotement / murmurer, chuchoter
Español : un susurro, un susurro / susurrar
Português : um sussurro, um sussurro / sussurrar

abandon one's studies : Ex : He decided to abandon his studies and pursue a different path.
Kreyòl : abandone etid li yo
English : abandon one's studies : Ex : He decided to abandon his studies and pursue a different path.
Français : abandonner ses études : Ex : Il a décidé d'abandonner ses études et de poursuivre une autre voie.
Español : abandonar los estudios: Ej: Decidió abandonar los estudios y seguir un camino diferente.
Português : abandonar os estudos: Ex: Decidiu abandonar os estudos e seguir um caminho diferente.

abase : Ex : After being overthrown and abased, the deposed leader offered to bow down to his conqueror. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : anba
English : abase : Ex : After being overthrown and abased, the deposed leader offered to bow down to his conqueror.
Français : abaisser : Ex : Après avoir été renversé et abaissé, le chef déchu a proposé de s'incliner devant son conquérant.
Español : humillar: Ej: Después de ser derrocado y humillado, el líder depuesto se ofreció a inclinarse ante su conquistador.
Português : humilhar: Ex: Depois de ser derrubado e humilhado, o líder deposto se ofereceu para se curvar ao seu conquistador.

abase: Ex: He refused to abase himself before anyone, standing tall in his convictions. [v]
Kreyòl : bese
English : abase: Ex: He refused to abase himself before anyone, standing tall in his convictions.
Français : abaisser : Ex : Il a refusé de s'abaisser devant quiconque, restant ferme dans ses convictions.
Español : humillarse: Ej: Se negó a humillarse ante nadie, manteniéndose erguido en sus convicciones.
Português : humilhar: Ex: Ele se recusou a se humilhar diante de qualquer pessoa, mantendo-se firme em suas convicções.

abasement : Ex : "His constant self-criticism led to abasement in his own eyes. [n.]
Kreyòl : abèsman
English : abasement : Ex : "His constant self-criticism led to abasement in his own eyes.
Français : abaissement : Ex : Abaissement" fait référence à l'acte d'humiliation ou de dégradation, entraînant souvent une perte de dignité ou de respect de soi.
Español : humillación: Ej: "Su constante autocrítica le llevó a humillarse ante sus propios ojos.
Português : humilhação: Ex: “Sua autocrítica constante levou à humilhação aos seus próprios olhos.

abdicate : Ex When he realized that the revolutionaries would surely win, the king abdicated his throne. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : abdike
English : abdicate : Ex When he realized that the revolutionaries would surely win, the king abdicated his throne.
Français : abdiquer : Ex Lorsqu'il réalisa que les révolutionnaires allaient sûrement gagner, le roi abdiqua son trône.
Español : abdicar: Ex Cuando se dio cuenta de que los revolucionarios seguramente ganarían, el rey abdicó de su trono.
Português : abdicar: Ex Quando percebeu que os revolucionários certamente venceriam, o rei abdicou de seu trono.

Abel : Ex : Abel is a biblical figure, the son of Adam and Eve, known for being a shepherd. He was murdered by his brother Cain out of jealousy. Topic: Pèsonaj.
Kreyòl : Abèl
English : Abel : Ex : Abel is a biblical figure, the son of Adam and Eve, known for being a shepherd. He was murdered by his brother Cain out of jealousy.
Français : Abel : Ex : Abel est un personnage biblique, fils d'Adam et Ève, connu pour être berger. Il a été assassiné par jalousie par son frère Caïn.
Español : Abel: Ej: Abel es un personaje bíblico, el hijo de Adán y Eva, conocido por ser pastor. Fue asesinado por su hermano Caín por celos.
Português : Abel: Ex: Abel é uma figura bíblica, filho de Adão e Eva, conhecido por ser pastor. Ele foi assassinado por seu irmão Caim por ciúme.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to his.

bequeath , fractious , intimation , intransigent , abasement , abjure , aggrandize , aggregate , amalgamate , ambiguous, anesthesia , attache, commendation , condolence , curtail , demagogue , desire, devil, duplicity , from one problem to nothweload on his head fell on his shoulders.

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