Online Haitian Creole Dictionary (Alpha mode): verb conjugation, Creole Proverbs, Creole Quotes, Rhymes, Haiti of Yesteryear and Today.

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ambiguous : Ex :Some people think Caesar married Cleopatra for her power, others believe he was charmed by her beauty. His actual reasons are ambiguous. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : anbigi
English : ambiguous : Ex :Some people think Caesar married Cleopatra for her power, others believe he was charmed by her beauty. His actual reasons are ambiguous.
Français : ambigu : Ex : Certains pensent que César a épousé Cléopâtre pour sa puissance, d'autres pensent qu'il a été charmé par sa beauté. Ses véritables raisons sont ambiguës.
Español : ambiguo: Ej: Algunas personas piensan que César se casó con Cleopatra por su poder, otros creen que quedó encantado con su belleza. Sus verdaderas razones son ambiguas.
Português : ambíguo: Ex: Algumas pessoas pensam que César se casou com Cleópatra por seu poder, outras acreditam que ele ficou encantado com sua beleza. Suas razões reais são ambíguas.

ambiguous: Ex: His ambiguous response left us uncertain about his intentions. [adj.]
Kreyòl : limit
English : ambiguous: Ex: His ambiguous response left us uncertain about his intentions.
Français : ambigu : Ex : Sa réponse ambiguë nous a laissé incertains quant à ses intentions.
Español : ambiguo: Ej: Su respuesta ambigua nos dejó inseguros sobre sus intenciones.
Português : ambíguo: Ex: Sua resposta ambígua nos deixou incertos sobre suas intenções.

equivocal : Ex : His intentions were so ambiguous that I couldn't discern whether he was being chivalrous or sleazy. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : ekivok
English : equivocal : Ex : His intentions were so ambiguous that I couldn't discern whether he was being chivalrous or sleazy.
Français : équivoque : Ex : Ses intentions étaient si ambiguës que je ne pouvais pas discerner s'il était chevaleresque ou sordide.
Español : equívoco: Ej: Sus intenciones eran tan ambiguas que no pude discernir si estaba siendo caballeroso o sórdido.
Português : equívoco: Ex: Suas intenções eram tão ambíguas que não consegui discernir se ele estava sendo cavalheiresco ou desprezível.

fraught : Ex : Her glances in his direction were filled with significance, yet the exact meaning remained ambiguous. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : plen
English : fraught : Ex : Her glances in his direction were filled with significance, yet the exact meaning remained ambiguous.
Français : lourd : Ex : Ses regards dans sa direction étaient remplis de signification, mais la signification exacte restait ambiguë.
Español : tenso: Ej: Sus miradas en su dirección estaban llenas de significado, pero el significado exacto seguía siendo ambiguo.
Português : carregado: Ex: Os olhares dela em sua direção estavam cheios de significado, mas o significado exato permaneceu ambíguo.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to ambiguous.

ambiguous, equivocal , fraught .

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