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Dictionary: English to Creole

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candor : Ex : The mayor's speech, marked by its candor, caught us off guard given his usual tendency to be evasive. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : frans
English : candor : Ex : The mayor's speech, marked by its candor, caught us off guard given his usual tendency to be evasive.
Français : candeur : Ex : Le discours du maire, marqué par sa franchise, nous a pris de court compte tenu de sa tendance habituelle à être évasif.
Español : franqueza: Ej: El discurso del alcalde, marcado por su franqueza, nos tomó desprevenidos dada su habitual tendencia a ser evasivo.
Português : franqueza : Ex : O discurso do presidente da Câmara, marcado pela sua franqueza, apanhou-nos desprevenidos dada a sua habitual tendência para a evasão.

collateral : Ex : The divorce from my wife had the collateral consequence of leaving me financially strained, given that she was the sole breadwinner between us. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : garanti
English : collateral : Ex : The divorce from my wife had the collateral consequence of leaving me financially strained, given that she was the sole breadwinner between us.
Français : garantie : Ex : Le divorce d'avec ma femme a eu pour conséquence collatérale de me laisser dans une situation financière difficile, étant donné qu'elle était l'unique soutien de famille entre nous.
Español : colateral: Ej: El divorcio de mi esposa tuvo la consecuencia colateral de dejarme en dificultades económicas, dado que ella era el único sostén de la familia entre nosotros.
Português : garantia: Ex: O divórcio da minha esposa teve como consequência colateral me deixar em dificuldades financeiras, visto que ela era o único ganha-pão entre nós.

Dieudonné ([Meaning] God gives, Gift from God, God has given) [n. p. m.] Topic: Non gason.
Kreyòl : Dyedone
English : Dieudonné ([Meaning] God gives, Gift from God, God has given)
Français : Dieudonné ([Sens] Dieu donne, Don de Dieu, Dieu a donné)
Español : Dieudonné ([Significado] Dios da, Regalo de Dios, Dios ha dado)
Português : Dieudonné ([Significado] Deus dá, Presente de Deus, Deus deu)

disrepute : Ex : The officer's actions caused him to fall into disrepute after it became known that he had disobeyed the orders he had given to his own soldiers. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : disreputation
English : disrepute : Ex : The officer's actions caused him to fall into disrepute after it became known that he had disobeyed the orders he had given to his own soldiers.
Français : discrédit : Ex : Les actions de l'officier lui ont fait tomber le discrédit après qu'il ait été révélé qu'il avait désobéi aux ordres qu'il avait donnés à ses propres soldats.
Español : descrédito: Ej: Las acciones del oficial hicieron que cayera en descrédito luego de que se supo que había desobedecido las órdenes que había dado a sus propios soldados.
Português : descrédito: Ex: As ações do oficial fizeram com que ele caísse em descrédito depois que se soube que ele havia desobedecido às ordens que havia dado aos seus próprios soldados.

education given
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : education given

enmity : Ex : Mark and Andy have obviously not forgiven each other, as the enmity between them is evident to anyone in their presence. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : ennmi
English : enmity : Ex : Mark and Andy have obviously not forgiven each other, as the enmity between them is evident to anyone in their presence.
Français : inimitié : Ex : Mark et Andy ne se sont visiblement pas pardonné, car l'inimitié entre eux est évidente pour quiconque se trouve en leur présence.
Español : enemistad: Ej: Mark y Andy obviamente no se han perdonado, ya que la enemistad entre ellos es evidente para cualquiera en su presencia.
Português : inimizade: Ex: Mark e Andy obviamente não se perdoaram, pois a inimizade entre eles é evidente para qualquer pessoa em sua presença.

equal, same : Ex : All students were given equal opportunities. [adj.]
Kreyòl : parèy
English : equal, same : Ex : All students were given equal opportunities.
Français : égal, pareil : Ex : Tous les étudiants ont eu des chances égales.
Español : igual Ej: Todos los estudiantes tuvieron las mismas oportunidades.
Português : igual Ex: Todos os alunos tiveram oportunidades iguais.

euphoric : Ex : I was overjoyed when I learned that my sister had given birth to twins. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : euphoric
English : euphoric : Ex : I was overjoyed when I learned that my sister had given birth to twins.
Français : euphorique : Ex : J'étais fou de joie lorsque j'ai appris que ma sœur avait donné naissance à des jumeaux.
Español : eufórico: Ej: Me alegré mucho cuando supe que mi hermana había dado a luz a gemelos.
Português : eufórico: Ex: Fiquei muito feliz quando soube que minha irmã havia dado à luz gêmeos.

forgive: Ex: Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. [v.]
Kreyòl : padone
English : forgive: Ex: Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.
Français : pardonner : Ex : Pardonnez aux autres, non pas parce qu'ils méritent le pardon, mais parce que vous méritez la paix.
Español : perdonar: Ej: Perdona a los demás, no porque ellos merezcan perdón, sino porque tú mereces la paz.
Português : perdoar: Ex: Perdoe os outros, não porque eles merecem perdão, mas porque você merece paz.

forgiven Topic: Filo.
Kreyòl : padone
English : forgiven
Français : pardonné
Español : perdonado
Português : perdoado

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to given.

given , collateral , Dieudonné ([Meaning] God gives, Gift from God, God has given), disrepute , education given, equal, same , euphoric , given name, probity , teaching given, to be given the runaround, transient .

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