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Dictionary: English to Creole

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2 Results for fill the tank

fill the tank [loc.]
Kreyòl : Foul tank
English : fill the tank
Français : faire le plein d’essence
Español : llenar el tanque de gasolina
Português : encher o tanque de gasolina

fill the tank [loc.] Topic: Familye.
Kreyòl : Foul tank
English : fill the tank
Français : remplir
Español : llenar
Português : preencher

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to fill the tank.

fill, tank; army tank; armored combat vehicle; armoured combat vehicle, fill , a long time ago; so much, as much* tank, aquarium; fish tank; marine museum, flout , gas tank, tank, tank, tank truck, body + fill (de full), cover for, fill in for, diastole (rhythmical expansion of heart when cavities fill with blood), fill, fill, fill, fill a tooth, fill an application form.

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