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Dictionary: English to Creole

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1 Results for damage to the blood vessels

damage to the blood vessels Topic: Medikal.
Kreyòl : domaj a veso sangen
English : damage to the blood vessels
Français : dommages aux vaisseaux sanguins
Español : daño a los vasos sanguíneos
Português : danos aos vasos sanguíneos

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to damage to the blood vessels.

ab , blood Vessels, lumbar plexus (network of nerves, blood vessels on spine or back), artery; arteria; arterial blood vessel , blood sample, blood draw, leukocyte; leucocyte; white blood cell; white cell; white blood corpuscle; white corpuscle; WBC, Gastric Vessels, Pulmonary Vessels, Vessels, damage, damage, damage, damage, havoc. manke (yon moun) dega (dèzega): to disrespect, to be disrespectful., deface, destitute , nerve damage, the damage, abattoir; butchery; shambles; slaughterhouse , BAC (Blood alcohol content).

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