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Dictionary: English to Creole

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Kreyòl : zzzz
English : year

Kreyòl : zzzz
English : years

Abishag : Ex : "Abishag was chosen to attend to King David in his final years according to the Bible." [n.]
Kreyòl : abichag
English : Abishag : Ex : "Abishag was chosen to attend to King David in his final years according to the Bible."
Français : Abishag : Ex : "Abishag a été choisi pour s'occuper du roi David dans ses dernières années selon la Bible."
Español : Abisag: Ej: “Abisag fue elegido para atender al rey David en sus últimos años según la Biblia”.
Português : Abishag: Ex: "Abishag foi escolhido para atender o Rei Davi em seus últimos anos de acordo com a Bíblia."

academic year
Kreyòl : ane akademik
English : academic year
Français : année académique
Español : año académico
Português : ano acadêmico

ago :ExThree years ago, I visited Japan for the first time. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : de sa
English : ago :ExThree years ago, I visited Japan for the first time.
Français : il y a :ExIl y a trois ans, je visitais le Japon pour la première fois.
Español : hace :Ex Hace tres años, visité Japón por primera vez.
Português : atrás :ExTrês anos atrás, visitei o Japão pela primeira vez.

almanac : Ex : An almanac is a yearly publication containing information such as weather forecasts, astronomical data, and statistics. Topic: Literati.
Kreyòl : almanak
English : almanac : Ex : An almanac is a yearly publication containing information such as weather forecasts, astronomical data, and statistics.
Français : almanach : Ex : Un almanach est une publication annuelle contenant des informations telles que des prévisions météorologiques, des données astronomiques et des statistiques.
Español : almanaque: Ej: Un almanaque es una publicación anual que contiene información como pronósticos meteorológicos, datos astronómicos y estadísticas.
Português : almanaque: Ex: Um almanaque é uma publicação anual que contém informações como previsões meteorológicas, dados astronômicos e estatísticas.

annual yearly
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : annual yearly

associate's degree: Ex: An associate's degree typically takes two years to complete. Topic: Lekòl.
Kreyòl : diplòm asosye
English : associate's degree: Ex: An associate's degree typically takes two years to complete.
Français : diplôme d'associé : Ex : un diplôme d'associé prend généralement deux ans.
Español : título de asociado: Ej: un título de asociado normalmente tarda dos años en completarse.
Português : diploma de associado: Ex: Um diploma de associado normalmente leva dois anos para ser concluído.

average yearly earnings
Kreyòl : salè mwayèn chak ane
English : average yearly earnings
Français : salaire annuel moyen
Español : (el) promedio de ganancias anuales
Português : ganhos médios anuais

bachelor's degree: Ex: A bachelor's degree usually requires four years of study. Topic: Lekòl.
Kreyòl : diplòm bakaloreya
English : bachelor's degree: Ex: A bachelor's degree usually requires four years of study.
Français : baccalauréat : Ex : Un baccalauréat nécessite habituellement quatre années d'études.
Español : Licenciatura: Ej: Una licenciatura generalmente requiere cuatro años de estudio.
Português : bacharelado: Ex: O bacharelado geralmente requer quatro anos de estudo.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to year.

leap year; intercalary year; 366 days; bissextile year, year , light year; light-year, year , year , academic year, build, calendar year, current year, Eligibility Year (ELY), facile , February, fiscal year, five-year continuous residence, fly , forsake , four , from december to january, grade / class / year.

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