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Dictionary: English to Creole

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bank : Ex: I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : bank
English : bank : Ex: I need to go to the bank to withdraw some money.
Français : banque : Ex : Je dois aller à la banque pour retirer de l'argent.
Español : banco: Ej: necesito ir al banco a retirar algo de dinero.
Português : banco: Ex: preciso ir ao banco sacar algum dinheiro.

delineate : Ex : She clearly delineated her reasons for withdrawing the project's funding. [v] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : delimiter
English : delineate : Ex : She clearly delineated her reasons for withdrawing the project's funding.
Français : delineate : Ex : Elle a clairement exposé les raisons pour lesquelles elle a retiré le financement du projet.
Español : delinear: Ej: Ella describió claramente sus razones para retirar la financiación del proyecto.
Português : delinear: Ex: Ela delineou claramente suas razões para retirar o financiamento do projeto.

Request for Withdrawal of Application (Form SSA-521)
Kreyòl : Demann pou Anilasyon Aplikasyon (Fòm SSA-521)
English : Request for Withdrawal of Application (Form SSA-521)
Français : Demande de retrait de candidature (formulaire SSA-521)
Español : Solicitud para la retractación de una reclamación (Formulario SSA-521-SP)
Português : Solicitação de Retirada de Inscrição (Formulário SSA-521)

Request to withdraw an appeals council request for review (Form HA-86)
Kreyòl : Demann pou retire yon demann konsèy apèl pou revizyon (Fòm HA-86)
English : Request to withdraw an appeals council request for review (Form HA-86)
Français : Demande de retrait d'une demande de révision d'un conseil d'appel (formulaire HA-86)
Español : Solicitud para retirar una petición para revisión con el Consejo de Apelaciones (Formulario HA-86-SP)
Português : Pedido para retirar um pedido de revisão do conselho de apelações (Formulário HA-86)

retire (withdraw) [v.]
Kreyòl : retrete
English : retire (withdraw)
Français : se retirer
Español : retirarse
Português : aposentar-se

to desist, cease, withdraw [v.] Topic: Legal.
Kreyòl : deziste
English : to desist, cease, withdraw
Français : désister, renoncer, cesser, s'abstenir
Español : desistir, cesar
Português : desistir, cessar

withdraw : Ex : She decided to withdraw her savings from the bank. [v]
Kreyòl : retire
English : withdraw : Ex : She decided to withdraw her savings from the bank.
Français : retirer : Ex : Elle a décidé de retirer ses économies de la banque.
Español : retirar: Ej: Decidió retirar sus ahorros del banco.
Português : sacar: Ex: Ela decidiu sacar suas economias do banco.

withdraw (v.)
Kreyòl : retire pwen sou
English : withdraw (v.)
Français : retirer (v.)
Español : retirar (v.)
Português : retirar (v.)

withdraw the claim
Kreyòl : retire reklamasyon an
English : withdraw the claim
Français : retirer la réclamation
Español : retirar la reclamación
Português : retire a reivindicação

Kreyòl : retrè
English : withdrawal
Français : retrait
Español : retiro
Português : cancelamento

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to withdraw.

withdraw , Request to withdraw an appeals council request for review (Form HA-86), retire (withdraw), to desist, cease, withdraw, withdraw (v.), withdraw the claim.

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