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Dictionary: English to Creole

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a red wine bottle
Kreyòl : yon boutèy diven wouj
English : a red wine bottle
Français : une bouteille de vin rouge
Español : una botella de vino tinto
Português : uma garrafa de vinho tinto

abdicate : Ex When he realized that the revolutionaries would surely win, the king abdicated his throne. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : abdike
English : abdicate : Ex When he realized that the revolutionaries would surely win, the king abdicated his throne.
Français : abdiquer : Ex Lorsqu'il réalisa que les révolutionnaires allaient sûrement gagner, le roi abdiqua son trône.
Español : abdicar: Ex Cuando se dio cuenta de que los revolucionarios seguramente ganarían, el rey abdicó de su trono.
Português : abdicar: Ex Quando percebeu que os revolucionários certamente venceriam, o rei abdicou de seu trono.

accolade : Ex : After winning the Nobel Prize, Sam received accolades from everyone. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : rekonpans
English : accolade : Ex : After winning the Nobel Prize, Sam received accolades from everyone.
Français : distinction : Ex : Après avoir remporté le prix Nobel, Sam a reçu les distinctions de tout le monde.
Español : galardón: Ej: Después de ganar el Premio Nobel, Sam recibió elogios de todos.
Português : elogio: Ex: Depois de ganhar o Prêmio Nobel, Sam recebeu elogios de todos.

acquire; win; gain
Kreyòl : akeri
English : acquire; win; gain
Français : gagner
Español : ganar
Português : adquirir; ganhar; ganho

address window (computer) Topic: Teknoloji.
Kreyòl : fenèt adrès (òdinatè)
English : address window (computer)
Français : fenêtre d'adresse (ordinateur)
Español : ventana de dirección del navegador
Português : janela de endereço (computador)

Kreyòl : pèmèt
English : allowing
Français : en permettant
Español : permitiendo
Português : permitindo

and swallowing
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : and swallowing

announce : Ex : The principal will announce the winner soon. [v.]
Kreyòl : anonse
English : announce : Ex : The principal will announce the winner soon.
Français : annoncer : Ex : Le directeur annoncera bientôt le gagnant.
Español : anunciar: Ej: El director anunciará el ganador pronto.
Português : anunciar: Ex: O diretor anunciará o vencedor em breve.

another : Ex:I’ll have another glass of wine, please. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : yon lòt
English : another : Ex:I’ll have another glass of wine, please.
Français : un autre : Ex : Je vais prendre un autre verre de vin, s'il vous plaît.
Español : otro: Ej: tomaré otra copa de vino, por favor.
Português : outro: Ex:Vou tomar outra taça de vinho, por favor.

ask : Ex: Can you ask the waiter to bring us some wine? Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : mande
English : ask : Ex: Can you ask the waiter to bring us some wine?
Français : demander : Ex : Pouvez-vous demander au serveur de nous apporter du vin ?
Español : preguntar: Ej: ¿Puedes pedirle al camarero que nos traiga un poco de vino?
Português : pergunte: Ex: Você pode pedir ao garçom que nos traga um pouco de vinho?

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to win.

win , abdicate , acquire; win; gain, auspicious :Ex : The tennis player viewed the sunny forecast as a favorable sign that she would win her match., completive , double win; jackpot, election:Ex: Who do you think will win the election?, FTW - For the win, succeed, there is/ are, win, to beat, strike; to defeat, beat, overcome, conquer; to win (sport); to fight, struggle; to reach (a certain distance); to beat (wheat, millet etc.); to stir vigorously; to pulse, pulsate , wonder , You are out of the running; You have no chance to win.

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