We couldn't find exact results for "wife".
Here are some results close to "wife".
arbiter : Ex : The divorce court judge will serve as the arbiter between the estranged husband and wife. [n.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : abit
English :
arbiter : Ex : The divorce court judge will serve as the arbiter between the estranged husband and wife. Français :
arbitre : Ex : Le juge du tribunal du divorce fera office d'arbitre entre les ex-mari et l'épouse. Español :
árbitro: Ej: el juez del tribunal de divorcios actuará como árbitro entre el marido y la mujer separados. Português :
árbitro: Ex: O juiz do tribunal de divórcio servirá como árbitro entre o marido e a esposa afastados.
atone : Ex: The man made amends for forgetting his wife’s birthday by purchasing her five dozen roses. [v.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : ekspye
English :
atone : Ex: The man made amends for forgetting his wife’s birthday by purchasing her five dozen roses. Français :
expier : Ex : L'homme s'est excusé d'avoir oublié l'anniversaire de sa femme en lui achetant cinq douzaines de roses. Español :
expiar: Ej: El hombre enmendó el olvido del cumpleaños de su esposa comprándole cinco docenas de rosas. Português :
expiar: Ex: O homem compensou o esquecimento do aniversário de sua esposa comprando cinco dúzias de rosas para ela.
carp : Ex : The husband divorced his wife after enduring her constant carping voice for decades. [v.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : karp
English :
carp : Ex : The husband divorced his wife after enduring her constant carping voice for decades. Français :
carpe : Ex : Le mari a divorcé de sa femme après avoir enduré sa voix moqueuse constante pendant des décennies. Español :
carpa: Ej: El marido se divorció de su esposa después de soportar su constante voz de queja durante décadas. Português :
carpa: Ex: O marido se divorciou da esposa depois de suportar sua voz constante e irritante por décadas.
collateral : Ex : The divorce from my wife had the collateral consequence of leaving me financially strained, given that she was the sole breadwinner between us. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : garanti
English :
collateral : Ex : The divorce from my wife had the collateral consequence of leaving me financially strained, given that she was the sole breadwinner between us. Français :
garantie : Ex : Le divorce d'avec ma femme a eu pour conséquence collatérale de me laisser dans une situation financière difficile, étant donné qu'elle était l'unique soutien de famille entre nous. Español :
colateral: Ej: El divorcio de mi esposa tuvo la consecuencia colateral de dejarme en dificultades económicas, dado que ella era el único sostén de la familia entre nosotros. Português :
garantia: Ex: O divórcio da minha esposa teve como consequência colateral me deixar em dificuldades financeiras, visto que ela era o único ganha-pão entre nós.
covet : Ex : I desired Moses's house, wife, and car. [v.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : lanvi
English :
covet : Ex : I desired Moses's house, wife, and car. Français :
convoiter : Ex : Je désirais la maison, la femme et la voiture de Moïse. Español :
codiciar: Ej: deseaba la casa, la esposa y el auto de Moisés. Português :
cobiçar: Ex: Desejei a casa, a esposa e o carro de Moisés.
efface : Ex : The husband's anger at his wife for leaving him was so intense that he erased all traces of her presence; he discarded pictures of her and gave away all her belongings. [v.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : efase
English :
efface : Ex : The husband's anger at his wife for leaving him was so intense that he erased all traces of her presence; he discarded pictures of her and gave away all her belongings. Français :
effacer : Ex : La colère du mari contre sa femme pour l'avoir quitté était si intense qu'il effaçait toute trace de sa présence ; il a jeté les photos d'elle et a donné toutes ses affaires. Español :
borrar: Ej: El enojo del marido hacia su esposa por dejarlo fue tan intenso que borró todo rastro de su presencia; descartó fotografías de ella y regaló todas sus pertenencias. Português :
apagar: Ex: A raiva do marido pela esposa por tê-lo abandonado foi tão intensa que ele apagou todos os vestígios da presença dela; ele descartou fotos dela e doou todos os seus pertences.
fè yon moun moute ma swife pa do/yon bò/nan gwo solèy Kreyòl : zzzz
English :
fè yon moun moute ma swife pa do/yon bò/nan gwo solèy
his wife is in Italy Kreyòl : madanm li an Itali
English :
his wife is in Italy Français :
sa femme est en Italie Español :
su esposa está en italia Português :
a esposa dele está na Itália
Housewife Topic:
Legal. Kreyòl : Menager
English :
Housewife Français :
Femme au foyer Español :
Ama de casa Português :
Dona de casa
ma swife Kreyòl : zzzz
English :
ma swife
Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to wife.
wife , wife , atone , carp , collateral , covet , efface , his wife is in Italy, My little wife, resolve Ex : The divorce court judge will act as the arbiter in resolving the disputes between the estranged husband and wife., stolid , the wife is not there, wife's benefits, wife, spouse.