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Dictionary: English to Creole

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address : Ex : The president will address the nation tonight. [v.]
Kreyòl : adrès
English : address : Ex : The president will address the nation tonight.
Français : adresse : Ex : Le président s'adressera à la nation ce soir.
Español : dirección: Ejemplo: El presidente se dirigirá a la nación esta noche.
Português : endereço: Ex: O presidente fará um discurso à nação esta noite.

appraise : Ex : A realtor will come over tonight to assess the value of our house. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : evalye
English : appraise : Ex : A realtor will come over tonight to assess the value of our house.
Français : évaluer : Ex : Un agent immobilier viendra ce soir pour évaluer la valeur de notre maison.
Español : Tasar: Ej: Un agente inmobiliario vendrá esta noche para evaluar el valor de nuestra casa.
Português : avaliar: Ex: Um corretor de imóveis virá hoje à noite para avaliar o valor da nossa casa.

assess : Ex : A realtor will visit tonight to evaluate our house. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : evalye
English : assess : Ex : A realtor will visit tonight to evaluate our house.
Français : évaluer : Ex : Un agent immobilier viendra ce soir pour évaluer notre maison.
Español : evaluar: Ej: Un agente inmobiliario nos visitará esta noche para evaluar nuestra casa.
Português : avaliar: Ex: Um corretor de imóveis fará uma visita hoje à noite para avaliar nossa casa.

confluence : Ex : A confluence of various factors made tonight the perfect night. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : konfluans
English : confluence : Ex : A confluence of various factors made tonight the perfect night.
Français : confluence : Ex : Une confluence de divers facteurs a fait de ce soir la nuit parfaite.
Español : confluencia: Ej: Una confluencia de varios factores hizo de esta noche la noche perfecta.
Português : confluência: Ex: Uma confluência de vários fatores fez desta noite a noite perfeita.

event:Ex: We’re holding a big event tonight. [n.] Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : evènman
English : event:Ex: We’re holding a big event tonight.
Français : event:Ex : Nous organisons un grand événement ce soir.
Español : evento:Ejemplo: Esta noche celebraremos un gran evento.
Português : evento:Ex: Vamos realizar um grande evento esta noite.

I was always told to follow my dreams so tonight I follow you. Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Yo te toujou di m pou m suiv rèv mwen donk aswè a m ap suiv ou.
English : I was always told to follow my dreams so tonight I follow you.
Français : On m’a toujours dit de suivre mes rêves alors ce soir je te suis.
Español : I was always told to follow my dreams so tonight I follow you.
Português : Sempre me disseram para seguir meus sonhos, então esta noite eu sigo você.

impecunious : Ex : "I'm afraid he's too poor to take me out tonight," the bratty girl complained. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : enkoniyan
English : impecunious : Ex : "I'm afraid he's too poor to take me out tonight," the bratty girl complained.
Français : impécunieux : Ex : "J'ai peur qu'il soit trop pauvre pour m'emmener sortir ce soir", se plaignit la petite fille.
Español : pobre: Ej: "Me temo que es demasiado pobre para invitarme a salir esta noche", se quejó la malcriada.
Português : pobre: Ex: "Receio que ele seja pobre demais para me levar para sair esta noite", reclamou a garota malcriada.

keep : Ex: Can we keep the lights on tonight? Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : kenbe
English : keep : Ex: Can we keep the lights on tonight?
Français : keep : Ex : Pouvons-nous garder les lumières allumées ce soir ?
Español : mantener: Ej: ¿Podemos dejar las luces encendidas esta noche?
Português : manter: Ex: Podemos manter as luzes acesas esta noite?

My friends call me (your first name), but you can call me tonight! Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Zanmi m yo rele m '(non ou), men ou ka rele m' aswè a!
English : My friends call me (your first name), but you can call me tonight!
Français : Mes ami(e)s m’appellent (prénom) mais tu peux m’appeler ce soir !
Español : My friends call me (your first name), but you can call me tonight!
Português : Meus amigos me ligam (seu primeiro nome), mas você pode me ligar esta noite!

need : Ex: I need some wine tonight! Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : bezwen
English : need : Ex: I need some wine tonight!
Français : besoin : Ex : j'ai besoin de vin ce soir !
Español : necesidad: Ej: ¡Necesito un poco de vino esta noche!
Português : necessidade: Ex: Preciso de um pouco de vinho esta noite!

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to tonight.

tonight , appraise , assess , confluence , event:Ex: We’re holding a big event tonight., I was always told to follow my dreams so tonight I follow you., impecunious , keep , My friends call me (your first name), but you can call me tonight!, need , okEx:Would it be ok to eat out tonight?, party, perform:Ex:The singer will perform tonight., red , service , TV .

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