Creole101 is a smart Haitian Creole Dictionary in 5 languages (see Creole101): Creole Proverbs, Creole Quotes, list of 170 English irregular verbs, Rhymes, Blog about Haiti and Creole.

Dictionary: English to Creole

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enthrall : Ex : The sailor's tales of battling sharks and discovering ancient treasures captivated his young son. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : kaptive
English : enthrall : Ex : The sailor's tales of battling sharks and discovering ancient treasures captivated his young son.
Français : captivant : Ex : Les récits du marin sur la lutte contre les requins et la découverte d'anciens trésors ont captivé son jeune fils.
Español : cautivar: Ej: Las historias del marinero sobre la lucha contra los tiburones y el descubrimiento de tesoros antiguos cautivaron a su pequeño hijo.
Português : encantar: Ex: As histórias do marinheiro sobre a luta contra tubarões e a descoberta de tesouros antigos cativaram seu filho.

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