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Dictionary: English to Creole

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A feeling that you’ve experienced something before
Kreyòl : Yon santiman ke ou te fè eksperyans yon bagay anvan
English : A feeling that you’ve experienced something before
Français : Déjà vu
Español : Una sensación de que has experimentado algo antes.
Português : Uma sensação de que você já experimentou algo antes

a little of (something), pittance [n.]
Kreyòl : grapday
English : a little of (something), pittance
Français : résidus, objets indésirables, rebuts, rebuts ; pittance
Español : residuos, elementos no deseados, desechos, chatarra; pitanza
Português : resíduos, itens indesejados, sucatas, lixo; ninharia

ability : Ex: He has the ability to explain things well. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : kapasite
English : ability : Ex: He has the ability to explain things well.
Français : capacité : Ex : Il a la capacité de bien expliquer les choses.
Español : Habilidad: Ej: Tiene la habilidad de explicar bien las cosas.
Português : habilidade: Ex: Ele tem a habilidade de explicar bem as coisas.

accomplished of things
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : accomplished of things

adjust clothing
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : adjust clothing

All things come to those who wait Topic: Ekspresyon popilè.
Kreyòl : Tout bagay rive nan moun k ap tann
English : All things come to those who wait
Français : Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre
Español : Todo llega para aquellos que esperan
Português : Tudo vem para aqueles que esperam

aloe: Ex: Aloe's soothing gel provides relief for sun-kissed skin [n.] Topic: Botanik.
Kreyòl : aloès
English : aloe: Ex: Aloe's soothing gel provides relief for sun-kissed skin
Français : aloès : Ex : le gel apaisant d'aloès soulage la peau hâlée
Español : aloe: Ej: el gel calmante de aloe proporciona alivio para la piel bañada por el sol.
Português : babosa: Ex: O gel calmante de babosa proporciona alívio para a pele bronzeada

aloes: Ex: Aloes are succulent plants known for their soothing gel, often used for skincare and medicinal purposes. [n.] Topic: Plant.
Kreyòl : lalwa
English : aloes: Ex: Aloes are succulent plants known for their soothing gel, often used for skincare and medicinal purposes.
Français : aloès : Ex : Les aloès sont des plantes succulentes connues pour leur gel apaisant, souvent utilisées pour les soins de la peau et à des fins médicinales.
Español : aloes: Ej: Los aloes son plantas suculentas conocidas por su gel calmante, que a menudo se usa para el cuidado de la piel y con fines medicinales.
Português : aloés: Ex: Aloés são plantas suculentas conhecidas por seu gel calmante, frequentemente usado para cuidados com a pele e para fins medicinais.

amenity : Ex : Bill Gates’s house is stocked with so many amenities, he never has to do anything for himself. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : amenity
English : amenity : Ex : Bill Gates’s house is stocked with so many amenities, he never has to do anything for himself.
Français : commodités : Ex : la maison de Bill Gates est dotée de tellement de commodités qu'il n'a jamais rien à faire pour lui-même.
Español : comodidades: Ejemplo: la casa de Bill Gates está equipada con tantas comodidades que nunca tiene que hacer nada por sí mismo.
Português : comodidade: Ex: A casa de Bill Gates é abastecida com tantas comodidades que ele nunca precisa fazer nada sozinho.

analysis : Ex: I’ll give you my analysis when I’ve seen everything. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : analiz
English : analysis : Ex: I’ll give you my analysis when I’ve seen everything.
Français : analyse : Ex : je vous donnerai mon analyse quand j'aurai tout vu.
Español : análisis: Ej: Te daré mi análisis cuando lo haya visto todo.
Português : análise: Ex: Vou te dar minha análise quando tiver visto tudo.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to thing.

poor thing, unfortunate, thing , thing , conscience , Metaphor , next, one thing leading to another, gradually; with all the detail, several , similar, it's the same thing, similar, it's the same thing. (It's 50 cents and half a dollar), strange thing, weird things, The only thing your eyes don’t tell me is your name., thing matter, thing, object, omething, to appear* appear , to imitate, to do same thing as, to act similarly as, wrong thing.

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