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Dictionary: English to Creole

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surmise : Ex : After speaking to just one of the students, the teacher was able to make a surmise about what had caused the fight. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : sipoze
English : surmise : Ex : After speaking to just one of the students, the teacher was able to make a surmise about what had caused the fight.
Français : supposition : Ex : Après avoir parlé à un seul des élèves, l'enseignant a pu émettre une hypothèse sur la cause de la bagarre.
Español : conjetura: Ej: Después de hablar solo con uno de los estudiantes, el maestro pudo hacer una conjetura sobre lo que había causado la pelea.
Português : suposição: Ex: Depois de falar com apenas um dos alunos, a professora conseguiu fazer uma suposição sobre o que havia causado a briga.

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