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Dictionary: English to Creole

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abuse : Ex : She suffered abuse at the hands of her partner. [n.]
Kreyòl : abi
English : abuse : Ex : She suffered abuse at the hands of her partner.
Français : abus : Ex : Elle a subi des abus de la part de son partenaire.
Español : abuso: Ej: Sufrió abuso a manos de su pareja.
Português : abuso: Ex: Ela sofreu abuso nas mãos de seu parceiro.

anesthesia : Ex : When the nerves in his spine were damaged, Mr. Hollins suffered anesthesia in his legs. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : anestezi
English : anesthesia : Ex : When the nerves in his spine were damaged, Mr. Hollins suffered anesthesia in his legs.
Français : anesthésie : Ex : Lorsque les nerfs de sa colonne vertébrale ont été endommagés, M. Hollins a subi une anesthésie dans ses jambes.
Español : anestesia: Ej: Cuando los nervios de su columna se dañaron, el Sr. Hollins sufrió anestesia en las piernas.
Português : anestesia: Ex: Quando os nervos de sua coluna foram danificados, o Sr. Hollins sofreu anestesia nas pernas.

calvary; suffering, trial, tribulation. pase kalvè: to suffer, to have a hard time.
Kreyòl : kalvè
English : calvary; suffering, trial, tribulation. pase kalvè: to suffer, to have a hard time.
Français : calvaire; souffrance, épreuve, tribulation. pase kalvè : souffrir, avoir du mal
Español : calvario; sufrimiento, prueba, tribulación. pase kalvè: sufrir, pasarlo mal
Português : calvário; sofrimento, prova, tribulação. pase kalvè: sofrer, sofrer.

consolation : Ex : Alexandra's presence was a consolation for Darren's suffering. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : konsolasyon
English : consolation : Ex : Alexandra's presence was a consolation for Darren's suffering.
Français : consolation : Ex : La présence d'Alexandra était une consolation aux souffrances de Darren.
Español : consuelo: Ej: la presencia de Alexandra fue un consuelo para el sufrimiento de Darren.
Português : consolo: Ex: A presença de Alexandra foi um consolo para o sofrimento de Darren.

endure suffer
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : endure suffer

injury: Ex: He suffered a minor injury while playing basketball. [n.] Topic: Medikal.
Kreyòl : aksidan
English : injury: Ex: He suffered a minor injury while playing basketball.
Français : blessure : Ex : Il a subi une blessure mineure alors qu'il jouait au basket-ball.
Español : Lesión: Ej: Sufrió una lesión menor mientras jugaba baloncesto.
Português : lesão: Ex: Ele sofreu uma lesão leve enquanto jogava basquete.

Kreyòl : zzzz
English : insufferable

loss:Ex: The farmer suffered heavy losses after the storm. [v.] Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : pèt
English : loss:Ex: The farmer suffered heavy losses after the storm.
Français : perte :Ex : Le fermier a subi de lourdes pertes après la tempête.
Español : pérdida:Ej: El granjero sufrió grandes pérdidas después de la tormenta.
Português : perda:Ex: O agricultor sofreu pesadas perdas após a tempestade.

Pain and suffering Topic: Legal.
Kreyòl : Doulè ak soufrans
English : Pain and suffering
Français : La douleur et la souffrance
Español : Daños físicos y morales
Português : Dor e sofrimento

pain, suffering* : Ex : She endured great pain and suffering.
Kreyòl : soufrans
English : pain, suffering* : Ex : She endured great pain and suffering.
Français : douleur, souffrance* : Ex : Elle a enduré une grande douleur et souffrance.
Español : dolor, sufrimiento*: Ej: Ella soportó un gran dolor y sufrimiento.
Português : dor, sofrimento*: Ex: Ela suportou muita dor e sofrimento.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to suffer.

suffer , calvary; suffering, trial, tribulation. pase kalvè: to suffer, to have a hard time., endure suffer, smart to suffer, suffer endure, suffer tolerate, to lose, misguide, waste, get lost, go astray; be deprived of, suffer the loss of, no longer have , to suffer from bad treatment of poverty, to have a hard time, to suffer from emphysema; to utter a death rattle; to cry (as in agony or despair).

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