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Dictionary: English to Creole

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balance : Ex : She struggled to maintain her balance on the icy sidewalk.
Kreyòl : ekilib
English : balance : Ex : She struggled to maintain her balance on the icy sidewalk.
Français : équilibre : Ex : Elle avait du mal à maintenir son équilibre sur le trottoir glacé.
Español : equilibrio: Ej: Ella luchó por mantener el equilibrio en la acera helada.
Português : equilíbrio: Ex: Ela lutou para manter o equilíbrio na calçada gelada.

combat, struggle
Kreyòl : konba
English : combat, struggle
Français : combat, lutte
Español : combate, lucha
Português : combate, luta

conflict; struggle; battle Topic: Istwa.
Kreyòl : konfli
English : conflict; struggle; battle
Français : lutte
Español : batalla; lucha
Português : conflito; luta; batalha

contend; fight; struggle : Ex : He had to contend with fierce competition.
Kreyòl : soutni
English : contend; fight; struggle : Ex : He had to contend with fierce competition.
Français : combattre; lutte; lutte : Ex : Il a dû faire face à une concurrence féroce.
Español : contender; luchar; lucha: Ej: Tuvo que enfrentarse a una competencia feroz.
Português : competir; lutar; luta: Ex: Ele teve que enfrentar uma competição acirrada.

dynamic : Ex : The parents struggled to keep pace with the dynamic music scene that their children had become intimately acquainted with. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : dinamik
English : dynamic : Ex : The parents struggled to keep pace with the dynamic music scene that their children had become intimately acquainted with.
Français : dynamique : Ex : Les parents avaient du mal à suivre le rythme de la scène musicale dynamique que leurs enfants connaissaient intimement.
Español : dinámico: Ej: Los padres luchaban por mantener el ritmo de la dinámica escena musical con la que sus hijos se habían familiarizado íntimamente.
Português : dinâmico: Ex: Os pais lutaram para acompanhar o cenário musical dinâmico com o qual seus filhos se familiarizaram intimamente.

equilibrium : Ex : She struggled to maintain her balance on the icy sidewalk. [n.] Topic: Syans.
Kreyòl : ekilib
English : equilibrium : Ex : She struggled to maintain her balance on the icy sidewalk.
Français : équilibre : Ex : Elle a eu du mal à maintenir son équilibre sur le trottoir glacé.
Español : equilibrio: Ej: Ella luchó por mantener el equilibrio en la acera helada.
Português : equilíbrio: Ex: Ela lutou para manter o equilíbrio na calçada gelada.

financial aid: Ex: Financial aid can make education accessible to those who might otherwise struggle to afford it. Topic: Lekòl.
Kreyòl : èd finansye
English : financial aid: Ex: Financial aid can make education accessible to those who might otherwise struggle to afford it.
Français : aide financière : Ex : L'aide financière peut rendre l'éducation accessible à ceux qui autrement auraient du mal à se le permettre.
Español : Ayuda financiera: Ej.: La ayuda financiera puede hacer que la educación sea accesible para aquellos que de otro modo tendrían dificultades para costearla.
Português : ajuda financeira: Ex: A ajuda financeira pode tornar a educação acessível àqueles que de outra forma teriam dificuldade em pagá-la.

idiosyncratic : I understand you struggled with the last test, but since your mistakes were very specific to you, I'm going to decline your request for the class to have a new test. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : idiosinkratik
English : idiosyncratic : I understand you struggled with the last test, but since your mistakes were very specific to you, I'm going to decline your request for the class to have a new test.
Français : idiosyncrasique : je comprends que vous avez eu du mal avec le dernier test, mais comme vos erreurs vous étaient très spécifiques, je vais décliner votre demande de faire passer un nouveau test à la classe.
Español : Idiosincrásico: Entiendo que tuviste problemas con el último examen, pero como tus errores fueron muy específicos de ti, voy a rechazar tu solicitud de que la clase tenga un nuevo examen.
Português : idiossincrático: Entendo que você teve dificuldades com o último teste, mas como seus erros foram muito específicos para você, recusarei seu pedido para que a turma fizesse um novo teste.

it's a real struggle [Ekspresyon]
Kreyòl : se pens ak pikwa
English : it's a real struggle
Français : c'est un vrai combat
Español : es una verdadera lucha
Português : é uma verdadeira luta

load: Ex: The truck struggled under the weight of its heavy load.
Kreyòl : chay
English : load: Ex: The truck struggled under the weight of its heavy load.
Français : charge : Ex : Le camion se débattait sous le poids de sa lourde charge.
Español : carga: Ej: El camión luchaba bajo el peso de su carga pesada.
Português : carga: Ex: O caminhão lutou com o peso de sua carga pesada.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to struggle.

struggle , combat, struggle, conflict; struggle; battle, contend; fight; struggle , financial aid, it's a real struggle, to beat, strike; to defeat, beat, overcome, conquer; to win (sport); to fight, struggle; to reach (a certain distance); to beat (wheat, millet etc.); to stir vigorously; to pulse, pulsate , to combat, to fight, to struggle (against), to struggle to make ends meet, to be in financial difficulty, to try hard, to endeavor. debat ak: to pull through, to cope, to get by, to struggle..

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