We couldn't find exact results for "state".
Here are some results close to "state".
aba : Ex : "ABA" could refer to the American Bar Association, a professional organization for lawyers and law students in the United States. Kreyòl : aba
English :
aba : Ex : "ABA" could refer to the American Bar Association, a professional organization for lawyers and law students in the United States. Français :
aba : Ex : "ABA" pourrait faire référence à l'American Bar Association, une organisation professionnelle d'avocats et d'étudiants en droit aux États-Unis. Español :
aba Português :
aba: Ex: "ABA" pode se referir à American Bar Association, uma organização profissional para advogados e estudantes de direito nos Estados Unidos.
account statement Kreyòl : deklarasyon kont
English :
account statement Français :
relevé de compte Español :
estado de cuenta Português :
extrato da conta
Administrative Conference of the United States Kreyòl : Konferans Administratif Etazini
English :
Administrative Conference of the United States Français :
Conférence administrative des États-Unis Español :
(la) Conferencia Administrativa de EE. UU. Português :
Conferência Administrativa dos Estados Unidos
adynaton : Ex : Adynaton is an exaggerated statement or impossibility. [n.] Topic:
Figi literè. Kreyòl : adinaton
English :
adynaton : Ex : Adynaton is an exaggerated statement or impossibility. Français :
adynaton : Ex : Adynaton est une affirmation exagérée ou une impossibilité. Español :
adynaton: Ej: Adynaton es una afirmación exagerada o imposible. Português :
adynaton: Ex: Adynaton é uma afirmação exagerada ou impossibilidade.
Alabama; Heart of Dixie; Camellia State; AL Topic:
Zòn jewografik, Yon Eta. Kreyòl : Alabama
English :
Alabama; Heart of Dixie; Camellia State; AL Français :
Alabama Español :
Alabama Português :
All other states Kreyòl : Tout lòt eta yo
English :
All other states Français :
Tous les autres États Español :
Same spelling as English Português :
Todos os outros estados
American Civil War; United States Civil War; War between the States Kreyòl : Lagè Sivil Ameriken
English :
American Civil War; United States Civil War; War between the States Français :
Guerre de Sécession Español :
Guerra Civil Estadounidense Português :
Guerra civil Americana; Guerra Civil dos Estados Unidos; Guerra entre os Estados
antediluvian : Ex : The antediluvian man still believed that Eisenhower was president of the United States and that hot dogs cost a nickel. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : antediluvian
English :
antediluvian : Ex : The antediluvian man still believed that Eisenhower was president of the United States and that hot dogs cost a nickel. Français :
antédiluvien : Ex : L'homme antédiluvien croyait toujours qu'Eisenhower était président des États-Unis et que les hot dogs coûtaient un nickel. Español :
antediluviano: Ej: El hombre antediluviano todavía creía que Eisenhower era presidente de los Estados Unidos y que los hot dogs costaban cinco centavos. Português :
antediluviano: Ex: O homem antediluviano ainda acreditava que Eisenhower era o presidente dos Estados Unidos e que cachorros-quentes custavam um níquel.
antiquated : Ex : The antediluvian man persisted in his belief that Eisenhower was the president of the United States and that hot dogs cost a nickel. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : demode
English :
antiquated : Ex : The antediluvian man persisted in his belief that Eisenhower was the president of the United States and that hot dogs cost a nickel. Français :
désuet : Ex : L'homme antédiluvien persistait dans sa conviction qu'Eisenhower était le président des États-Unis et que les hot dogs coûtaient un nickel. Español :
anticuado: Ej: El hombre antediluviano persistió en su creencia de que Eisenhower era el presidente de los Estados Unidos y que los hot dogs costaban cinco centavos. Português :
antiquado: Ex: O homem antediluviano persistiu em sua crença de que Eisenhower era o presidente dos Estados Unidos e que cachorros-quentes custavam um níquel.
Arizona; Grand Canyon State; AZ Kreyòl : Arizona
English :
Arizona; Grand Canyon State; AZ Français :
Arizona Español :
Arizona Português :
Arizona; Estado do Grand Canyon; de Az
Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to state.
Nevada; Silver State; Battle Born State; Sagebrush State; NV, Delaware; Diamond State; First State; DE, Florida; Sunshine State; Everglade State; FL, Michigan; Wolverine State; Great Lakes State; MI, Minnesota; Gopher State; North Star State; MN, North Carolina; Old North State; Tar Heel State; NC, South Dakota; Coyote State; Mount Rushmore State; SD, state , state:Ex: Check out the state of that shed, it’s falling apart., Alabama; Heart of Dixie; Camellia State; AL, Arizona; Grand Canyon State; AZ, Branch State, California; Golden State; CA; Calif., Colorado; Centennial State; CO, concord , condition, state (n.) , consciousness , critical state, Department of State (U.S.) (DOS), expressway; freeway; motorway; pike; state highway; superhighway; throughway; thruway.