We couldn't find exact results for "so much".
Here are some results close to "so much".
a long time ago; so much, as much* tank Kreyòl : tank
English :
a long time ago; so much, as much* tank Français :
Réservoir Español :
tanque Português :
a muito tempo atrás; tanto, tanto* tanque
better: Ex: Your singing has gotten so much better! [n.] Topic:
Egzanp. Kreyòl : pi bon
English :
better: Ex: Your singing has gotten so much better! Français :
mieux : Ex : Votre chant est devenu tellement meilleur ! Español :
mejor: Ej: ¡Tu canto ha mejorado mucho! Português :
melhor: Ex: Seu canto ficou muito melhor!
enervate : Ex : Writing these sentences drains my energy so much that I'll need to take a nap after I finish. [v.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : enerve
English :
enervate : Ex : Writing these sentences drains my energy so much that I'll need to take a nap after I finish. Français :
enervate : Ex : Écrire ces phrases me draine tellement d'énergie que je devrai faire une sieste après avoir fini. Español :
enervar: Ej: Escribir estas frases me quita tanta energía que necesitaré tomar una siesta después de terminar. Português :
enervar: Ex: Escrever essas frases esgota tanto minha energia que vou precisar tirar uma soneca depois de terminar.
I’m from the US, but I love cheese and bread so much I wish I were French. Kreyòl : Mwen soti nan peyi Etazini, men mwen renmen fwomaj ak pen anpil mwen swete mwen te franse.
English :
I’m from the US, but I love cheese and bread so much I wish I were French. Français :
Je suis américain(e) mais j’aime tellement le fromage et le pain que j’aimerais être français(e). Español :
Soy de Estados Unidos, pero amo tanto el queso y el pan que desearía ser francés. Português :
Sou dos EUA, mas adoro queijo e pão que gostaria de ser francês.
much : Ex: I love you guys so much. Topic:
Egzanp. Kreyòl : anpil
English :
much : Ex: I love you guys so much. Français :
beaucoup : Ex : Je vous aime tellement les gars. Español :
mucho: Ej: Los amo mucho chicos. Português :
much: Ex: Eu amo muito vocês.
patient. Example: The patient is in so much pain now. [n.] Topic:
Egzanp. Kreyòl : pasyan
English :
patient. Example: The patient is in so much pain now. Français :
patient, patiente. Exemple : Le patient souffre énormément en ce moment. Español :
le/la paciente. Ejemplo: El paciente siente mucho dolor ahora. Português :
o/a paciente. Exemplo: O paciente está com muita dor agora.
so much : Ex : It seems like you might have a lot on your mind. How can I assist you today? Kreyòl : telman
English :
so much : Ex : It seems like you might have a lot on your mind. How can I assist you today? Français :
tellement : Ex : Il semble que vous ayez beaucoup de choses en tête. Comment puis-je vous aider aujourd'hui ? Español :
mucho: Ej: Parece que tienes muchas cosas en la cabeza. ¿Cómo puedo ayudarle hoy? Português :
tanto: Ex: Parece que você tem muita coisa em mente. Como posso ajudá-lo hoje?
so, so much, such a way : Ex : The rain fell in such a way. Kreyòl : tèlman
English :
so, so much, such a way : Ex : The rain fell in such a way. Français :
tellement, tellement, telle façon : Ex : La pluie est tombée de telle manière. Español :
tanto, tanto, de tal manera: Ej: La lluvia cayó de tal manera. Português :
tanto, tanto, de tal maneira: Ex: A chuva caiu de tal maneira.
There’s so much sunshine in your eyes that I get a tan when you look at me. Topic:
Koze. Kreyòl : Gen anpil solèy nan je ou ke mwen pran yon tan lè ou gade m '.
English :
There’s so much sunshine in your eyes that I get a tan when you look at me. Français :
Il y a tellement de soleil dans tes yeux que je bronze quand tu me regardes. Español :
Hay tanto sol en tus ojos que me bronceo cuando me miras. Português :
Há tanto sol em seus olhos que fico bronzeado quando você olha para mim.
to abandon : Ex : It's not easy to abandon something you've invested so much in. [n.]
Kreyòl : abandonnen
English :
to abandon : Ex : It's not easy to abandon something you've invested so much in. Français :
abandonner : Ex : Ce n'est pas facile d'abandonner quelque chose dans lequel on a tant investi. Español :
abandonar: Ej: No es fácil abandonar algo en lo que has invertido tanto. Português :
abandonar: Ex: Não é fácil abandonar algo em que você investiu tanto.
Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to so much.
much / many , much , (much), a lot, much, accord , affect:Ex: My bank account will affect how much I can buy., aggregate , as much, as much, as much as he can, better, bulk; mass; volume , canny , discretion , enervate , evanescent , excess, too much, expect, glass .