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Dictionary: English to Creole

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device : Ex : How about Smartphones simplify daily tasks?
Kreyòl : aparey
English : device : Ex : How about Smartphones simplify daily tasks?
Français : appareil : Ex : Et si les smartphones simplifiaient les tâches quotidiennes ?
Español : dispositivo: Ej: ¿Qué tal si los teléfonos inteligentes simplifican las tareas diarias?
Português : dispositivo: Ex: Que tal os smartphones simplificarem as tarefas diárias?

does not mean. Ex; Speaking French does not means being smart.
Kreyòl : pa vle di
English : does not mean. Ex; Speaking French does not means being smart.
Français : ne signifie pas. Ex; Parler français ne signifie pas être intelligent.
Español : no quiere decir. Ex; Hablar francés no significa ser inteligente.
Português : não significa. Ex; Falar francês não significa ser inteligente.

He is brighteyed; he is smart; you can't fool him
Kreyòl : Li gen je klere
English : He is brighteyed; he is smart; you can't fool him
Français : Il a les yeux brillants ; il est intelligent; tu ne peux pas le tromper
Español : Tiene los ojos brillantes; el es inteligente; no puedes engañarlo
Português : Ele tem olhos brilhantes; Ele é esperto; você não pode enganá-lo

Kreyòl : sanble entelijan
English : looksmart
Français : l'air intelligent
Español : lucir inteligente
Português : Parece esperto

Kreyòl : photosmart
English : photosmart
Français : Photosmart
Español : fotointeligente
Português : fotointeligente

smart phone [n.]
Kreyòl : smatfòn
English : smart phone
Français : smartphone
Español : teléfono inteligente
Português : Smartphone

smart phone [n.]
Kreyòl : esmatfòn
English : smart phone
Français : smartphone
Español : teléfono inteligente
Português : Smartphone

smart to suffer
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : smart to suffer

smart: Ex: She wore a smart outfit to the interview, exuding confidence and professionalism.
Kreyòl : entelijan
English : smart: Ex: She wore a smart outfit to the interview, exuding confidence and professionalism.
Français : intelligente : Ex : Elle portait une tenue élégante lors de l'entretien, respirant la confiance et le professionnalisme.
Español : inteligente: Ej: usó un atuendo elegante para la entrevista, que irradia confianza y profesionalismo.
Português : inteligente: Ex: Ela usou uma roupa elegante para a entrevista, exalando confiança e profissionalismo.

Kreyòl : pi entelijan
English : smarter
Français : plus intelligent
Español : más inteligente
Português : mais esperto

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to smart.

smart, does not mean, He is brighteyed; he is smart; you can't fool him, smart phone, smart phone, smart to suffer, wise, smart, You're a smart cookie.

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