We couldn't find exact results for "pick".
Here are some results close to "pick".
(v.), obtain, pick (v.) Kreyòl : ranmase kèt
English :
(v.), obtain, pick (v.) Français :
(v.), obtenir, choisir (v.) Español :
(v.), obtener, escoger (v.) Português :
(v.), obter, escolher (v.)
adroit : Ex : The adroit thief could pick someone’s pocket without attracting notice. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : adroit
English :
adroit : Ex : The adroit thief could pick someone’s pocket without attracting notice. Français :
adroit : Ex : Le voleur adroit pouvait faire les poches de quelqu'un sans attirer l'attention. Español :
hábil: Ej: El ladrón hábil podría robar el bolsillo de alguien sin llamar la atención. Português :
hábil: Ex: O ladrão hábil pode roubar o bolso de alguém sem chamar a atenção.
amenable : Ex : Our father was willing when we asked him to drive us to the farm so we could go apple picking. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : fasil
English :
amenable : Ex : Our father was willing when we asked him to drive us to the farm so we could go apple picking. Français :
amenable : Ex : Notre père était d'accord quand nous lui avons demandé de nous conduire à la ferme pour que nous puissions aller cueillir des pommes. Español :
dócil: Ej: Nuestro padre estuvo dispuesto cuando le pedimos que nos llevara a la granja para que pudiéramos ir a recoger manzanas. Português :
receptivo: Ex: Nosso pai se dispôs quando pedimos que ele nos levasse até a fazenda para que pudéssemos colher maçãs.
at : Ex:Can you pick me up at the mall? Topic:
Egzanp. Kreyòl : nan
English :
at : Ex:Can you pick me up at the mall? Français :
à : Ex : Tu peux venir me chercher au centre commercial ? Español :
en: Ej: ¿Puedes recogerme en el centro comercial? Português :
em: Ex:Você pode me buscar no shopping?
compliant : Ex : Our father was willing when we asked him to drive us to the farm so we could go apple picking. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : konfòme
English :
compliant : Ex : Our father was willing when we asked him to drive us to the farm so we could go apple picking. Français :
conforme : Ex : Notre père était d'accord quand nous lui avons demandé de nous conduire à la ferme pour que nous puissions aller cueillir des pommes. Español :
obediente: Ej: Nuestro padre estuvo dispuesto cuando le pedimos que nos llevara a la granja para que pudiéramos ir a recoger manzanas. Português :
compatível: Ex: Nosso pai se dispôs quando pedimos que ele nos levasse até a fazenda para que pudéssemos colher maçãs.
gather (pick): Ex: She bent down to gather the ripe fruits from the tree. [v.]
Kreyòl : rasanble
English :
gather (pick): Ex: She bent down to gather the ripe fruits from the tree. Français :
recueillir (cueillir) : Ex : Elle se pencha pour cueillir les fruits mûrs de l'arbre. Español :
recoger (recoger): Ej: Se agachó para recoger los frutos maduros del árbol. Português :
colher (colher): Ex: Ela se abaixou para colher os frutos maduros da árvore.
gather fruit, pick, pluck Kreyòl : keyi
English :
gather fruit, pick, pluck Français :
cueillir des fruits, ramasser, cueillir Español :
recoger la fruta, selección, desplume Português :
colher frutas, colher, arrancar
lookout; lookout man; sentinel; sentry; watch; spotter; scout; picket Topic:
Pwofesyon. Kreyòl : vijilan
English :
lookout; lookout man; sentinel; sentry; watch; spotter; scout; picket Français :
sentinelle Español :
guardia Português :
olhe; vigia; sentinela; sentinela; assistir; observador; batedor; piquete
mattock, pickaxe Topic:
Konstriksyon. Kreyòl : pikwa
English :
mattock, pickaxe Français :
pioche Español :
azadón, pico, piqueta Português :
multifarious : Ex : This Swiss Army knife boasts multifarious functions and capabilities. It can serve as a knife, a saw, a toothpick, and even a slingshot, among other things. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : divès kalite
English :
multifarious : Ex : This Swiss Army knife boasts multifarious functions and capabilities. It can serve as a knife, a saw, a toothpick, and even a slingshot, among other things. Français :
multiforme : Ex : Ce couteau suisse possède de multiples fonctions et capacités. Il peut servir de couteau, de scie, de cure-dent et même de fronde, entre autres. Español :
múltiples: Ej: Esta navaja suiza cuenta con múltiples funciones y capacidades. Puede servir como cuchillo, sierra, palillo e incluso tirachinas, entre otras cosas. Português :
multifacetado: Ex: Este canivete suíço possui diversas funções e capacidades. Pode servir como faca, serra, palito e até estilingue, entre outras coisas.
Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to pick.
pick , pick, adroit , at , gather (pick), gather fruit, pick, pluck, pick a fight, pick choose, pick DNA markers to display, pick implement, pick up, pick up, pick-pocket, pick-up truck, pick-up truck (SSI purpose), pick-up truck; van, station wagon, picks me I'll pick you, rather , to pick up green dolloars (US dollars).