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banner (headline for newspaper or magazine)
Kreyòl : bànyè
English : banner (headline for newspaper or magazine)
Français : bannière (titre d'un journal ou d'un magazine)
Español : (el) titular
Português : banner (manchete de jornal ou revista)

Circulation: Ex :The circulation of the newspaper increased significantly after the redesign.
Kreyòl : sikile
English : Circulation: Ex :The circulation of the newspaper increased significantly after the redesign.
Français : Diffusion : Ex : La diffusion du journal a augmenté de manière significative après la refonte.
Español : Circulación: Ej: La circulación del periódico aumentó significativamente después del rediseño.
Português : Circulação: Ex:A circulação do jornal aumentou significativamente após a reformulação.

file newspapers
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : file newspapers

hypothetical : Ex : Despite being praised by seven major newspapers, the success of the drug when tested in humans remains hypothetical. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : ipotetik
English : hypothetical : Ex : Despite being praised by seven major newspapers, the success of the drug when tested in humans remains hypothetical.
Français : hypothétique : Ex : Bien qu'il ait été salué par sept grands journaux, le succès du médicament lorsqu'il est testé sur l'homme reste hypothétique.
Español : hipotético: Ej: A pesar de haber sido elogiado por siete periódicos importantes, el éxito del fármaco cuando se prueba en humanos sigue siendo hipotético.
Português : hipotético: Ex: Apesar de ser elogiado por sete grandes jornais, o sucesso do medicamento quando testado em humanos permanece hipotético.

newspaper record
Kreyòl : dosye jounal
English : newspaper record
Français : dossier de journal
Español : registros periodísticos, datos periodísticos
Português : registro de jornal

newspaper: Ex: Newspaper: news source in print or online. [n.] Topic: Lekòl.
Kreyòl : jounal
English : newspaper: Ex: Newspaper: news source in print or online.
Français : journal : Ex : Journal : source d'information sous forme imprimée ou en ligne.
Español : periódico: Ej: Periódico: fuente de noticias impresa o en línea.
Português : jornal: Ex: Jornal: fonte de notícias impressa ou online.

Kreyòl : jounal
English : newspapers
Français : journaux
Español : periódicos
Português : jornais

obfuscate : Ex : The detective, reluctant to respond to the newspaperman's questions, chose to obfuscate the truth. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : ofiske
English : obfuscate : Ex : The detective, reluctant to respond to the newspaperman's questions, chose to obfuscate the truth.
Français : obfuscate : Ex : Le détective, réticent à répondre aux questions du journaliste, a choisi d'obscurcir la vérité.
Español : ofuscar: Ej: El detective, reacio a responder a las preguntas del periodista, optó por ofuscar la verdad.
Português : ofuscar: Ex: O detetive, relutante em responder às perguntas do jornalista, optou por ofuscar a verdade.

press newspapers
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : press newspapers

subscribe to a newspaper
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : subscribe to a newspaper

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to newspaper.

newspaper, Circulation, newspaper record, subscribe to a newspaper, travesty .

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