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Dictionary: English to Creole

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(very) hard work
Kreyòl : travay pete fyèl
English : (very) hard work
Français : (très) dur travail
Español : (trabajo muy duro
Português : (muito) trabalho árduo.

A quality or feature that is hard to describe
Kreyòl : Yon kalite oswa karakteristik ki difisil pou dekri
English : A quality or feature that is hard to describe
Français : Je ne sais quoi
Español : Una cualidad o característica que es difícil de describir.
Português : Uma qualidade ou recurso difícil de descrever

acer : Ex : Acer is a multinational hardware and electronics corporation. [adj. kalif.]
Kreyòl : ase
English : acer : Ex : Acer is a multinational hardware and electronics corporation.
Français : acer : Ex : Acer est une société multinationale de matériel et d'électronique.
Español : acer: Ej: Acer es una corporación multinacional de hardware y electrónica.
Português : acer: Ex: Acer é uma empresa multinacional de hardware e eletrônicos.

acknoledge: Ex: The team's hard work was acknowledged by their manager with a heartfelt thank you note. [v.]
Kreyòl : rekonèt
English : acknoledge: Ex: The team's hard work was acknowledged by their manager with a heartfelt thank you note.
Français : reconnaître : Ex : le travail acharné de l'équipe a été reconnu par son responsable avec une note de remerciement sincère.
Español : reconocer: Ej: el arduo trabajo del equipo fue reconocido por su gerente con una sincera nota de agradecimiento.
Português : reconhecer: Ex: O trabalho árduo da equipe foi reconhecido por seu gerente com uma nota de agradecimento sincero.

acknowledgment: Ex: His acknowledgment of her hard work meant a lot to her. [n.]
Kreyòl : rekonesans
English : acknowledgment: Ex: His acknowledgment of her hard work meant a lot to her.
Français : reconnaissance : Ex : Sa reconnaissance de son travail acharné signifiait beaucoup pour elle.
Español : reconocimiento: Ej: Su reconocimiento por su arduo trabajo significó mucho para ella.
Português : reconhecimento: Ex: O reconhecimento dele pelo trabalho árduo dela significou muito para ela.

alcoholic beverage, (hard) drink, liquor, booze.
Kreyòl : gwòg
English : alcoholic beverage, (hard) drink, liquor, booze.
Français : boisson alcoolisée, boisson (forte), liqueur, alcool
Español : bebida alcohólica, bebida (dura), licor, bebida alcohólica
Português : bebida alcoólica, bebida (pesada), licor, bebida alcoólica.

amicable : Ex : Lola and Ben got divorced, but amicably and without hard feelings. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : amikal
English : amicable : Ex : Lola and Ben got divorced, but amicably and without hard feelings.
Français : à l'amiable : Ex : Lola et Ben ont divorcé, mais à l'amiable et sans rancune.
Español : amigable: Ej: Lola y Ben se divorciaron, pero amigablemente y sin resentimientos.
Português : amigável: Ex: Lola e Ben se divorciaram, mas de forma amigável e sem ressentimentos.

amorphous : Ex : The effort was doomed from the start, because the reasons behind it were so amorphous and hard to pin down [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : amorphe
English : amorphous : Ex : The effort was doomed from the start, because the reasons behind it were so amorphous and hard to pin down
Français : amorphous : Ex : L'effort était voué à l'échec dès le départ, car les raisons derrière cela étaient si amorphes et difficiles à cerner
Español : amorfo: Ej: El esfuerzo estuvo condenado al fracaso desde el principio, porque las razones detrás de él eran muy amorfas y difíciles de precisar.
Português : amorfo: Ex: O esforço estava condenado desde o início, porque as razões por trás dele eram tão amorfas e difíceis de definir

barely; hardly; just; scarcely; scarce
Kreyòl : apèn
English : barely; hardly; just; scarcely; scarce
Français : à peine
Español : apenas
Português : por muito pouco; dificilmente; apenas; dificilmente; escasso

Boucan Richard [n.p.] Topic: Seksyon kominal.
Kreyòl : Boukan Richa
English : Boucan Richard
Français : Boucan Richard
Español : Boucan Richard
Português : Boucan Richard

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to hard.

hard; harshly, firmly, strenuously, hard , hard , hard disc; hard disk; fixed disk, hard, tough, hard, firm; resistent, rugged; durable; difficult; severe, intense, harsh;, A quality or feature that is hard to describe, acknoledge, acknowledgment, alcoholic beverage, (hard) drink, liquor, booze., amicable , amorphous , brown sugar candy, raw sugar; hard roll made from syrup, callous, hard, calvary; suffering, trial, tribulation. pase kalvè: to suffer, to have a hard time., concomitant , deserve , erection, hard-on, external hard drive, hard board.

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