We couldn't find exact results for "follow".
Here are some results close to "follow".
a follow up [n.]
Kreyòl : suivi
English :
a follow up Français :
suivi Español :
un seguimiento Português :
uma continuação
abnegation : Ex : The holy man slept on the floor, took only cold showers, and generally followed other practices of abnegation. [n.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : abnegasyon
English :
abnegation : Ex : The holy man slept on the floor, took only cold showers, and generally followed other practices of abnegation. Français :
abnégation : Ex : Le saint homme dormait à même le sol, ne prenait que des douches froides, et suivait généralement d'autres pratiques d'abnégation. Español :
abnegación: Ej: El santo varón dormía en el suelo, tomaba sólo duchas frías y en general seguía otras prácticas de abnegación. Português :
abnegação: Ex: O santo dormia no chão, tomava apenas banho frio e geralmente seguia outras práticas de abnegação.
bandfollowing Topic:
Filo. Kreyòl : bandfollowing
English :
bandfollowing Français :
suivi de bande Español :
seguidor de banda Português :
banda seguindo
cessation following trial work period Kreyòl : sispansyon apre peryòd esè travay la
English :
cessation following trial work period Français :
cessation après période d'essai Español :
cese al completar el período probatorio de trabajo Português :
cessação após período experimental de trabalho
Christian : Ex : Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, and its followers are called Christians. Topic:
Relijyon. Kreyòl : Kretyen
English :
Christian : Ex : Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, and its followers are called Christians. Français :
Chrétien : Ex : Le christianisme suit les enseignements de Jésus-Christ, et ses adeptes sont appelés chrétiens. Español :
Cristiano: Ej: El cristianismo sigue las enseñanzas de Jesucristo, y sus seguidores se llaman cristianos. Português :
Cristão: Ex: O Cristianismo segue os ensinamentos de Jesus Cristo, e seus seguidores são chamados de Cristãos.
Christian* christian : Ex : Christianity follows Jesus Christ's teachings, and its followers are called Christians. [adj. kalif.]
Kreyòl : kretyen
English :
Christian* christian : Ex : Christianity follows Jesus Christ's teachings, and its followers are called Christians. Français :
Chrétien* chrétien : Ex : Le christianisme suit les enseignements de Jésus-Christ, et ses adeptes sont appelés chrétiens. Español :
Cristiano* cristiano: Ej: el cristianismo sigue las enseñanzas de Jesucristo, y sus seguidores se llaman cristianos. Português :
Cristão* cristão: Ex: O Cristianismo segue os ensinamentos de Jesus Cristo, e seus seguidores são chamados de Cristãos.
coronation : Ex : The new king was coronated the day following his father's death. [n.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : kouwònasyon
English :
coronation : Ex : The new king was coronated the day following his father's death. Français :
couronnement : Ex : Le nouveau roi est couronné le lendemain de la mort de son père. Español :
coronación: Ej: El nuevo rey fue coronado al día siguiente de la muerte de su padre. Português :
coroação: Ex: O novo rei foi coroado no dia seguinte à morte de seu pai.
direction : Ex : Follow the signs for the right direction. [n.]
Kreyòl : direksyon
English :
direction : Ex : Follow the signs for the right direction. Français :
direction : Ex : Suivre les panneaux indiquant la bonne direction. Español :
dirección: Ej: Siga las indicaciones hacia la dirección correcta. Português :
direção: Ex: Siga as placas para a direção certa.
disciple; adherent : Ex : Disciples were devoted followers of ancient teachers. Topic:
Relijyon. Kreyòl : disip
English :
disciple; adherent : Ex : Disciples were devoted followers of ancient teachers. Français :
disciple; adhérent : Ex : Les disciples étaient des disciples dévoués d'anciens enseignants. Español :
discípulo; adherente: Ej: Los discípulos eran seguidores devotos de los maestros antiguos. Português :
discípulo; aderente: Ex: Os discípulos eram seguidores devotados de professores antigos.
flatterer, bootlicker, abject follower Kreyòl : tisousou
English :
flatterer, bootlicker, abject follower Français :
flatteur, lèche-bottes, adepte abject Español :
adulador, lamebotas, abyecto seguidor Português :
bajulador, bootlicker, seguidor abjeto.
Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to follow.
follow (to follow), follow , follow , follow direction , follow, I was always told to follow my dreams so tonight I follow you., direction , follow closely (v.), harass, follow-up, follow-up services, his , I will make you follow the rules / I'll make you walk according to the rules, If you want to know why I’m following you, it’s because my father always told me to follow my dream., indicate , lead:Ex: Just lead the way and I’ll follow, leader , Medication Follow, Other follow, steps .