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Dictionary: English to Creole

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A feeling that you’ve experienced something before
Kreyòl : Yon santiman ke ou te fè eksperyans yon bagay anvan
English : A feeling that you’ve experienced something before
Français : Déjà vu
Español : Una sensación de que has experimentado algo antes.
Português : Uma sensação de que você já experimentou algo antes

Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Account
Kreyòl : Atenn yon pi bon kont eksperyans lavi (ABLE).
English : Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Account
Français : Atteindre un compte Better Life Experience (ABLE)
Español : cuenta para Mejorar la Experiencia de Vida
Português : Atingindo uma conta de experiência de vida melhor (ABLE)

anguish : Ex : Angelos experienced profound anguish upon learning that Buffy had died while battling a strange mystical force of evil. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : kè sere
English : anguish : Ex : Angelos experienced profound anguish upon learning that Buffy had died while battling a strange mystical force of evil.
Français : angoisse : Ex : Angelos a ressenti une profonde angoisse en apprenant que Buffy était morte alors qu'elle luttait contre une étrange force mystique du mal.
Español : Angustia: Ej: Angelos experimentó una profunda angustia al enterarse de que Buffy había muerto mientras luchaba contra una extraña fuerza mística del mal.
Português : angústia: Ex: Angelos experimentou uma angústia profunda ao saber que Buffy havia morrido enquanto lutava contra uma estranha força mística do mal.

anxiety : Ex : Upon hearing about the car crash, he experienced anxiety because he knew his girlfriend had been driving on the road where the accident occurred. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : enkyetid
English : anxiety : Ex : Upon hearing about the car crash, he experienced anxiety because he knew his girlfriend had been driving on the road where the accident occurred.
Français : anxiété : Ex : En entendant parler de l'accident de voiture, il a ressenti de l'anxiété car il savait que sa petite amie conduisait sur la route où s'est produit l'accident.
Español : Ansiedad: Ej: Al enterarse del accidente automovilístico, experimentó ansiedad porque sabía que su novia había estado conduciendo por la carretera donde ocurrió el accidente.
Português : ansiedade: Ex: Ao saber do acidente de carro, ele ficou ansioso porque sabia que sua namorada estava dirigindo na estrada onde ocorreu o acidente.

compunction : Ex : He experienced compunction for his mistreatment of her. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : konpresyon
English : compunction : Ex : He experienced compunction for his mistreatment of her.
Français : componction : Ex : Il a éprouvé du componction pour les mauvais traitements qu'il lui a infligés.
Español : compunción: Ej: Experimentó compunción por el maltrato que le había dado.
Português : remorso: Ex: Ele sentiu remorso pelos maus-tratos que dispensou a ela.

consciousness : Ex : Consciousness is the state of being aware of one's surroundings and experiences. [n.]
Kreyòl : konsyans
English : consciousness : Ex : Consciousness is the state of being aware of one's surroundings and experiences.
Français : conscience : Ex : La conscience est l'état d'être conscient de son environnement et de ses expériences.
Español : Conciencia: Ej: La conciencia es el estado de ser consciente de lo que nos rodea y de nuestras experiencias.
Português : consciência: Ex: Consciência é o estado de estar ciente do que está ao seu redor e das experiências.

ennui ; Ex : I experience such ennui that I don't anticipate anything, not even my birthday party. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : ennui
English : ennui ; Ex : I experience such ennui that I don't anticipate anything, not even my birthday party.
Français : ennui ; Ex : Je m'ennuie tellement que je n'anticipe rien, pas même ma fête d'anniversaire.
Español : hastío; Ej: Experimento tal aburrimiento que no anticipo nada, ni siquiera mi fiesta de cumpleaños.
Português : tédio; Ex: Sinto tanto tédio que não prevejo nada, nem mesmo minha festa de aniversário.

experience (v.)
Kreyòl : eksperyanse
English : experience (v.)
Français : expérience (v.)
Español : experiencia (v.)
Português : experiência (v.)

experience : Ex : Life's richest lessons often come from experience. [n.]
Kreyòl : eksperyans
English : experience : Ex : Life's richest lessons often come from experience.
Français : expérience : Ex : Les leçons les plus riches de la vie viennent souvent de l'expérience.
Español : experiencia: Ej: Las lecciones más ricas de la vida a menudo provienen de la experiencia.
Português : experiência: Ex: As lições mais ricas da vida geralmente vêm da experiência.

experience, experiment
Kreyòl : esperians
English : experience, experiment
Français : l'expérience, l'expérience
Español : experiencia, experimento
Português : experimentar, experimentar

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to experience.

experience , experience:Ex:What an exciting experience!, Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Account, ennui ; Ex : I experience such ennui that I don't anticipate anything, not even my birthday party., experience (v.), experience, experiment, ignominious , implicit , ineffable , literary, literature , Note from the author: Some of these answers are based on personal experience. Can you guess which ones? :-), sensuous , to experience hardship, to feel, to touch, to experience, Years of Experience.

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