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epitome : Ex : My mother, the epitome of refined taste, always dresses more elegantly than I do. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : epitom
English : epitome : Ex : My mother, the epitome of refined taste, always dresses more elegantly than I do.
Français : quintessence : Ex : Ma mère, l'incarnation du goût raffiné, s'habille toujours plus élégamment que moi.
Español : personificación: Ej: Mi madre, la personificación del gusto refinado, siempre viste más elegante que yo.
Português : epítome: Ex: Minha mãe, epítome do gosto refinado, sempre se veste com mais elegância do que eu.

paragon : Ex : Helen of Troy, the mythical figure, was regarded as the epitome of female beauty. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : paragon
English : paragon : Ex : Helen of Troy, the mythical figure, was regarded as the epitome of female beauty.
Français : parangon : Ex : Hélène de Troie, figure mythique, était considérée comme l'incarnation de la beauté féminine.
Español : modelo: Ej: Helena de Troya, la figura mítica, era considerada como el epítome de la belleza femenina.
Português : modelo: Ex: Helena de Tróia, a figura mítica, era considerada o epítome da beleza feminina.

philanthropic : Ex : Many people considered the billionaire's decision to donate her fortune to house the homeless as the epitome of philanthropy. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : filantwopik
English : philanthropic : Ex : Many people considered the billionaire's decision to donate her fortune to house the homeless as the epitome of philanthropy.
Français : philanthropique : Ex : Beaucoup de gens considéraient la décision du milliardaire de donner sa fortune pour loger les sans-abri comme la quintessence de la philanthropie.
Español : filantrópico: Ejemplo: Mucha gente consideró la decisión del multimillonario de donar su fortuna para albergar a las personas sin hogar como el epítome de la filantropía.
Português : filantrópico: Ex: Muitas pessoas consideraram a decisão do bilionário de doar sua fortuna para abrigar moradores de rua como o epítome da filantropia.

prototype; paradigm; epitome; image : Ex : Steve Jobs is the epitome of innovation in technology. Topic: lengwistik.
Kreyòl : pwototip
English : prototype; paradigm; epitome; image : Ex : Steve Jobs is the epitome of innovation in technology.
Français : prototype; paradigme; exemple; image : Ex : Steve Jobs est l'incarnation de l'innovation technologique.
Español : prototipo; paradigma; epítome; image : Ej: Steve Jobs es el epítome de la innovación en tecnología.
Português : protótipo; paradigma; resumo; imagem: Ex: Steve Jobs é o epítome da inovação em tecnologia.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to epitome.

prototype; paradigm; epitome; image , paragon , philanthropic .

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