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Dictionary: English to Creole

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a great many
Kreyòl : yon gran katite
English : a great many
Français : une grande majorité
Español : una gran mayoría
Português : muitos

A quality or feature that is hard to describe
Kreyòl : Yon kalite oswa karakteristik ki difisil pou dekri
English : A quality or feature that is hard to describe
Français : Je ne sais quoi
Español : Una cualidad o característica que es difícil de describir.
Português : Uma qualidade ou recurso difícil de descrever

abattoir; butchery; shambles; slaughterhouse : Ex : The abattoir was a scene of organized chaos, with butchers skillfully working amidst the shambles of meat and blood.
Kreyòl : abatwa
English : abattoir; butchery; shambles; slaughterhouse : Ex : The abattoir was a scene of organized chaos, with butchers skillfully working amidst the shambles of meat and blood.
Français : abattoir; boucherie; pagaille; abattoir : Ex : L'abattoir était une scène de chaos organisé, avec des bouchers travaillant habilement au milieu d'un chaos de viande et de sang.
Español : matadero; carnicería; ruinas; matadero: Ej: El matadero era un escenario de caos organizado, con carniceros trabajando hábilmente en medio del caos de carne y sangre.
Português : abatedouro; açougue; confusão; matadouro: Ex: O matadouro era um cenário de caos organizado, com açougueiros trabalhando habilmente em meio à confusão de carne e sangue.

abuse (v.), harm, mistreat
Kreyòl : maltrete
English : abuse (v.), harm, mistreat
Français : abuser (v.), nuire, maltraiter
Español : abuso (v.), daño, maltratar
Português : abusar (v.), prejudicar, maltratar

accessible : Ex : After studying with SparkNotes and getting a great score on the SAT, Marlena happily realized that her goal of getting into an Ivy-League college was accessible. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : aksesib
English : accessible : Ex : After studying with SparkNotes and getting a great score on the SAT, Marlena happily realized that her goal of getting into an Ivy-League college was accessible.
Français : accessible : Ex : Après avoir étudié avec SparkNotes et obtenu un excellent score au SAT, Marlena a réalisé avec joie que son objectif d'entrer dans une université de l'Ivy-League était accessible.
Español : accesible: Ej: después de estudiar con SparkNotes y obtener una excelente puntuación en el SAT, Marlena felizmente se dio cuenta de que su objetivo de ingresar a una universidad de la Ivy-League era accesible.
Português : acessível: Ex: Depois de estudar com SparkNotes e obter uma ótima pontuação no SAT, Marlena percebeu felizmente que seu objetivo de entrar em uma faculdade da Ivy-League era acessível.

according : Ex: According to the weather report, it’s going to rain today. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : dapre
English : according : Ex: According to the weather report, it’s going to rain today.
Français : selon : Ex : D'après la météo, il va pleuvoir aujourd'hui.
Español : según : Ej: Según el parte meteorológico, hoy va a llover.
Português : de acordo: Ex: De acordo com a previsão do tempo, vai chover hoje.

according to : Ex According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.
Kreyòl : dapre
English : according to : Ex According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.
Français : selon : Ex D'après la météo, il pleuvra demain.
Español : según : Ex Según el pronóstico del tiempo, mañana lloverá.
Português : de acordo com: Ex De acordo com a previsão do tempo, choverá amanhã.

account, narrative, story, record, tale Ex.: the biblical account of creation
Kreyòl : resi
English : account, narrative, story, record, tale Ex.: the biblical account of creation
Français : récit Ex. : le récit biblique de la création
Español : relato, narrativo, narración Ej.: el relato bíblico de la creación
Português : narrativa, relato Ex.: o relato bíblico da criação

achieve; accomplish; attain; reach : Ex : The sailor aimed to achieve greatness at sea.
Kreyòl : reyalize
English : achieve; accomplish; attain; reach : Ex : The sailor aimed to achieve greatness at sea.
Français : atteindre; accomplir; atteindre; portée : Ex : Le marin avait pour objectif d'atteindre la grandeur en mer.
Español : lograr; lograr; alcanzar; alcance: Ej: El marinero aspiraba a alcanzar la grandeza en el mar.
Português : alcançar; concluir; atingir; alcance: Ex: O marinheiro almejava alcançar a grandeza no mar.

adept : Ex : "I enjoy eating fresh apricots in the summer."
Kreyòl : abil
English : adept : Ex : "I enjoy eating fresh apricots in the summer."
Français : adepte : Ex : "J'aime manger des abricots frais en été."
Español : adepto: Ej: "Disfruto comiendo albaricoques frescos en el verano".
Português : adepto: Ex: "Gosto de comer damascos frescos no verão."

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to eat.

eat , At what time do we eat supper, conjonction , decide:Ex: Please decide where to eat., Do you want to eat, eat healthy foods, gnaw, prey, wear, eat up, okEx:Would it be ok to eat out tonight?, rancid , ripe , surfeit , to eat, to eat (greedily), stuff oneself, gobble up, to eat belly full, To have your cake and eat it too, to unbutton. manje vant deboutonnen: to eat belly full., Where do you want to eat?, You can't have your cake and eat it too, you would eat people.

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