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Dictionary: English to Creole

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disgruntled : Ex : The child felt his parents had unfairly grounded him and remained disgruntled for a week. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : mekontant
English : disgruntled : Ex : The child felt his parents had unfairly grounded him and remained disgruntled for a week.
Français : mécontent : Ex : L'enfant a estimé que ses parents l'avaient injustement puni et est resté mécontent pendant une semaine.
Español : descontento: Ej: El niño sintió que sus padres lo habían castigado injustamente y permaneció descontento durante una semana.
Português : descontente: Ex: A criança sentiu que seus pais o haviam castigado injustamente e permaneceu descontente por uma semana.

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