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Dictionary: English to Creole

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adamant : Ex : Despite intense public pressure, the President remained adamant about his proposal. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : diman
English : adamant : Ex : Despite intense public pressure, the President remained adamant about his proposal.
Français : catégorique : Ex : Malgré une intense pression publique, le Président est resté catégorique sur sa proposition.
Español : inflexible: Ejemplo: A pesar de la intensa presión pública, el presidente se mantuvo inflexible sobre su propuesta.
Português : inflexível: Ex: Apesar da intensa pressão pública, o presidente permaneceu inflexível quanto à sua proposta.

at all.: Ex: Despite her efforts, he didn't seem interested at all.
Kreyòl : ditou
English : at all.: Ex: Despite her efforts, he didn't seem interested at all.
Français : du tout. : Ex : Malgré ses efforts, il ne semblait pas du tout intéressé.
Español : en absoluto.: Ej: A pesar de sus esfuerzos, él no parecía interesado en absoluto.
Português : de jeito nenhum.: Ex: Apesar dos esforços dela, ele não parecia nem um pouco interessado.

contend: Ex: Despite facing numerous challenges, she continued to contend for her dreams with unwavering determination. [v]
Kreyòl : deklare
English : contend: Ex: Despite facing numerous challenges, she continued to contend for her dreams with unwavering determination.
Français : contester : Ex : Malgré de nombreux défis, elle a continué à se battre pour réaliser ses rêves avec une détermination inébranlable.
Español : contender: Ej: A pesar de enfrentar numerosos desafíos, ella continuó luchando por sus sueños con una determinación inquebrantable.
Português : Contender: Ex: Apesar de enfrentar inúmeros desafios, ela continuou a lutar por seus sonhos com determinação inabalável.

cupidity : Ex : His greed drove him to enter the abandoned gold mine despite the obvious dangers. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : kipidite
English : cupidity : Ex : His greed drove him to enter the abandoned gold mine despite the obvious dangers.
Français : cupidité : Ex : Sa cupidité l'a poussé à entrer dans la mine d'or abandonnée malgré les dangers évidents.
Español : codicia: Ej: Su codicia lo llevó a entrar en la mina de oro abandonada a pesar de los peligros evidentes.
Português : cupidez: Ex: Sua ganância o levou a entrar na mina de ouro abandonada, apesar dos perigos óbvios.

despite : Ex : Persisting onward, despite the odds stacked. [prep.] Topic: Gramè.
Kreyòl : malgre
English : despite : Ex : Persisting onward, despite the odds stacked.
Français : malgré : Ex : Persister, malgré les obstacles.
Español : a pesar: Ej: Persistir hacia adelante, a pesar de las probabilidades acumuladas.
Português : apesar: Ex: Persistir em frente, apesar das probabilidades acumuladas.

despite : Ex: Despite the rain, we will still have the picnic. Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : malgre
English : despite : Ex: Despite the rain, we will still have the picnic.
Français : malgré : Ex : Malgré la pluie, nous ferons quand même le pique-nique.
Español : a pesar: Ej: A pesar de la lluvia, todavía tendremos el picnic.
Português : apesar: Ex: Apesar da chuva, ainda faremos o piquenique.

efficacious : Ex : Despite my doctor's assurance that the cold medicine was efficacious, I'm still sniffling. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : efikas
English : efficacious : Ex : Despite my doctor's assurance that the cold medicine was efficacious, I'm still sniffling.
Français : efficace : Ex : Malgré l'assurance de mon médecin selon laquelle le médicament contre le rhume était efficace, je renifle toujours.
Español : eficaz: Ej: A pesar de que mi médico me aseguró que el medicamento para el resfriado era eficaz, todavía estoy sollozando.
Português : eficaz: Ex: Apesar da garantia do meu médico de que o remédio para resfriado foi eficaz, ainda estou fungando.

elicit : Ex : Despite my repeated inquiries about the location of the exit, I failed to elicit any response from the impassive policeman. [v.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : pwovoke
English : elicit : Ex : Despite my repeated inquiries about the location of the exit, I failed to elicit any response from the impassive policeman.
Français : susciter : Ex : Malgré mes demandes répétées sur l'emplacement de la sortie, je n'ai réussi à obtenir aucune réponse de la part du policier impassible.
Español : obtener: Ej: A pesar de mis repetidas preguntas sobre la ubicación de la salida, no logré obtener ninguna respuesta del impasible policía.
Português : elicitar: Ex: Apesar das minhas repetidas perguntas sobre a localização da saída, não consegui obter qualquer resposta do policial impassível.

elude : Ex : Despite the police's intense search, the robber continues to evade capture. Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : evite
English : elude : Ex : Despite the police's intense search, the robber continues to evade capture.
Français : éluder : Ex : Malgré les recherches intenses de la police, le voleur continue d'échapper à la capture.
Español : eludir: Ej: A pesar de la intensa búsqueda de la policía, el ladrón continúa evadiendo la captura.
Português : iludir: Ex: Apesar da intensa busca policial, o assaltante continua fugindo da captura.

emaciated : Ex : Despite consuming a lot of pastries and chocolate, my sister still appears emaciated. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : emasied
English : emaciated : Ex : Despite consuming a lot of pastries and chocolate, my sister still appears emaciated.
Français : émaciée : Ex : Malgré une consommation importante de pâtisseries et de chocolat, ma sœur semble toujours émaciée.
Español : demacrada: Ej: A pesar de consumir muchos pasteles y chocolate, mi hermana todavía parece demacrada.
Português : emagrecida: Ex: Apesar de consumir muitos pastéis e chocolate, minha irmã ainda parece emaciada.

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to despite.

despite , despite , at all., contend, cupidity , efficacious , elicit , elude , emaciated , endured, equanimity , forlorn , fractious , hypothetical , impervious , implicate , impregnable ; Ex : Despite the invaders' use of battering rams, catapults, and rain dances, the fortress remained impregnable and resisted all attacks., impudent , inarticulate .

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