We couldn't find exact results for "but".
Here are some results close to "but".
(We must) admit the merit of our enemy. [LIT.] Hate the dog but say his teeth are white. [Ekspresyon]
Kreyòl : Rayi chyen di dan l blan
English :
(We must) admit the merit of our enemy. [LIT.] Hate the dog but say his teeth are white. Français :
(Nous devons) admettre le mérite de notre ennemi. [LIT.] Déteste le chien mais dis que ses dents sont blanches. Español :
(Debemos) admitir el mérito de nuestro enemigo. [LIT.] Odio al perro pero digo que tiene los dientes blancos. Português :
(Devemos) admitir o mérito do nosso inimigo. [LIT.] Odeio o cachorro, mas digo que os dentes dele são brancos.
abattoir; butchery; shambles; slaughterhouse : Ex : The abattoir was a scene of organized chaos, with butchers skillfully working amidst the shambles of meat and blood. Kreyòl : abatwa
English :
abattoir; butchery; shambles; slaughterhouse : Ex : The abattoir was a scene of organized chaos, with butchers skillfully working amidst the shambles of meat and blood. Français :
abattoir; boucherie; pagaille; abattoir : Ex : L'abattoir était une scène de chaos organisé, avec des bouchers travaillant habilement au milieu d'un chaos de viande et de sang. Español :
matadero; carnicería; ruinas; matadero: Ej: El matadero era un escenario de caos organizado, con carniceros trabajando hábilmente en medio del caos de carne y sangre. Português :
abatedouro; açougue; confusão; matadouro: Ex: O matadouro era um cenário de caos organizado, com açougueiros trabalhando habilmente em meio à confusão de carne e sangue.
abstain : Ex : (Everyone demanded that Angus put on the kilt, but he did not want to do it and abstained. [v.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : abstrenn
English :
abstain : Ex : (Everyone demanded that Angus put on the kilt, but he did not want to do it and abstained. Français :
s'abstenir : Ex : (Tout le monde a exigé qu'Angus mette le kilt, mais il n'a pas voulu le faire et s'est abstenu. Español :
abstenerse: Ej: (Todos exigieron que Angus se pusiera el kilt, pero él no quiso hacerlo y se abstuvo. Português :
abster-se: Ex: (Todos exigiram que Angus colocasse o kilt, mas ele não quis e se absteve.
abstruse : Ex : Everyone else in the class understood geometry easily, but John found the subject abstruse. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : abstrus
English :
abstruse : Ex : Everyone else in the class understood geometry easily, but John found the subject abstruse. Français :
abstrus : Ex : Tous les autres membres de la classe comprenaient facilement la géométrie, mais John trouvait le sujet abstrus. Español :
abstruso: Ej: Todos los demás en la clase entendían la geometría fácilmente, pero John encontró el tema abstruso. Português :
abstruso: Ex: Todos os outros alunos da turma entendiam geometria facilmente, mas John achou o assunto obscuro.
accede : Ex : When the class asked the teacher whether they could play baseball instead of learn grammar they expected him to refuse, but instead he acceded to their request. [v.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : aksede
English :
accede : Ex : When the class asked the teacher whether they could play baseball instead of learn grammar they expected him to refuse, but instead he acceded to their request. Français :
accéder : Ex : Lorsque la classe a demandé au professeur s'ils pouvaient jouer au baseball au lieu d'apprendre la grammaire, ils s'attendaient à ce qu'il refuse, mais il a plutôt accédé à leur demande. Español :
acceder: Ej: Cuando la clase le preguntó al profesor si podían jugar béisbol en lugar de aprender gramática, esperaban que él se negara, pero accedió a su petición. Português :
aceitar: Ex: Quando a turma perguntou ao professor se eles poderiam jogar beisebol em vez de aprender gramática, eles esperavam que ele recusasse, mas em vez disso ele atendeu ao pedido.
Acebutolol [n.] Topic:
Beta-blockers. Kreyòl : asebitolòl
English :
Acebutolol Français :
Acébutolol Español :
Acebutolol Português :
adumbrate :Ex : The coach adumbrated a game plan, but none of the players knew precisely what to do. [v.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : admire
English :
adumbrate :Ex : The coach adumbrated a game plan, but none of the players knew precisely what to do. Français :
esquisser :Ex : L'entraîneur a esquissé un plan de match, mais aucun des joueurs ne savait précisément quoi faire. Español :
presagiar :Ej: El entrenador esbozó un plan de juego, pero ninguno de los jugadores sabía exactamente qué hacer. Português :
esboçar :Ex : O treinador esboçou um plano de jogo, mas nenhum dos jogadores sabia exatamente o que fazer.
agnostic : Ex :Linda’s parents are very religious, but she is agnostic. [adj.] Topic:
Kolèj. Kreyòl : agnostik
English :
agnostic : Ex :Linda’s parents are very religious, but she is agnostic. Français :
agnostique : Ex :Les parents de Linda sont très religieux, mais elle est agnostique. Español :
agnóstico: Ej: los padres de Linda son muy religiosos, pero ella es agnóstica. Português :
agnóstico: Ex: Os pais de Linda são muito religiosos, mas ela é agnóstica.
Alaska native claims distribution Kreyòl : Distribisyon reklamasyon natif natal Alaska
English :
Alaska native claims distribution Français :
Répartition des revendications des autochtones de l'Alaska Español :
(la) distribución de reclamaciones para las personas nativas de Alaska Português :
Distribuição de reivindicações nativas do Alasca
Albuterol [n.] Topic:
Emmergency. Kreyòl : albutewòl
English :
Albuterol Français :
Albutérol Español :
Albuterol Português :
Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to but.
antipathy , but , but , abstain , abstruse , accede , adumbrate :Ex : The coach adumbrated a game plan, but none of the players knew precisely what to do., agnostic , allege , aloof :Ex: The scientist occasionally appeared aloof, giving the impression that he didn't care about his friends or family, but in reality, he was simply absorbed in thoughts about quantum mechanics., aloofness, ambivalent , amicable , amorous , antiseptic , bones are as strong as steel but light as aluminum, but nice weight, but no non, but not constantly.