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Diksyonè: Angle a kreyòl

 A  AN  B  CH  D  E  È  EN  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  ON  OU  OUN  P  R  S  T  UI  V  W  Y  Z 

abridge : Ex : The publisher thought the dictionary was too long and abridged it. [v,] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : abreje
English : abridge : Ex : The publisher thought the dictionary was too long and abridged it.
Français : abréger : Ex : L'éditeur a trouvé le dictionnaire trop long et l'a abrégé.
Español : abreviar: Ej: El editor pensó que el diccionario era demasiado largo y lo resumió.
Português : abreviar: Ex: A editora achou o dicionário muito longo e o resumiu.

amenity : Ex : Bill Gates’s house is stocked with so many amenities, he never has to do anything for himself. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : amenity
English : amenity : Ex : Bill Gates’s house is stocked with so many amenities, he never has to do anything for himself.
Français : commodités : Ex : la maison de Bill Gates est dotée de tellement de commodités qu'il n'a jamais rien à faire pour lui-même.
Español : comodidades: Ejemplo: la casa de Bill Gates está equipada con tantas comodidades que nunca tiene que hacer nada por sí mismo.
Português : comodidade: Ex: A casa de Bill Gates é abastecida com tantas comodidades que ele nunca precisa fazer nada sozinho.

coherent : Ex : Renee couldn't discern what Monroe had witnessed because he was too distraught to articulate a coherent statement. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : koyeran
English : coherent : Ex : Renee couldn't discern what Monroe had witnessed because he was too distraught to articulate a coherent statement.
Français : cohérent : Ex : Renée ne pouvait pas discerner ce dont Monroe avait été témoin parce qu'il était trop désemparé pour articuler une déclaration cohérente.
Español : coherente: Ej: Renee no pudo discernir lo que Monroe había presenciado porque estaba demasiado angustiado para articular una declaración coherente.
Português : coerente: Ex: Renee não conseguiu discernir o que Monroe havia testemunhado porque estava muito perturbado para articular uma declaração coerente.

convoluted : Ex : Grace's narrative was too intricate for me to grasp. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : konplike
English : convoluted : Ex : Grace's narrative was too intricate for me to grasp.
Français : alambiqué : Ex : Le récit de Grace était trop complexe pour que je puisse le comprendre.
Español : complicado: Ej: la narrativa de Grace era demasiado compleja para que yo pudiera comprenderla.
Português : complicado: Ex: A narrativa de Grace era muito complexa para eu entender.

heavy: Ex: The package was too heavy for her to lift alone. [adj.]
Kreyòl : lou
English : heavy: Ex: The package was too heavy for her to lift alone.
Français : lourd : Ex : Le colis était trop lourd pour qu'elle puisse le soulever seule.
Español : pesado: Ej: El paquete era demasiado pesado para que ella pudiera levantarlo sola.
Português : pesado: Ex: O pacote era pesado demais para ela levantar sozinha.

injunction : Ex : After his house was toilet-papered for the fifth time, the mayor imposed an injunction prohibiting anyone under the age of 21 from purchasing toilet paper. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : enjonksyon
English : injunction : Ex : After his house was toilet-papered for the fifth time, the mayor imposed an injunction prohibiting anyone under the age of 21 from purchasing toilet paper.
Français : injonction : Ex : Après que sa maison ait été recouverte de papier toilette pour la cinquième fois, le maire a imposé une injonction interdisant à toute personne de moins de 21 ans d'acheter du papier toilette.
Español : orden judicial: Ejemplo: Después de que su casa fuera empapelada por quinta vez, el alcalde impuso una orden judicial que prohibía a cualquier menor de 21 años comprar papel higiénico.
Português : liminar: Ex: Depois que sua casa foi forrada com papel higiênico pela quinta vez, o prefeito impôs liminar proibindo menores de 21 anos de comprar papel higiênico.

oblivious : Ex ; Unaware of the burning smell coming from the kitchen, my father didn't realize that the rolls in the oven were burned until it was too late. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : enkonsyan
English : oblivious : Ex ; Unaware of the burning smell coming from the kitchen, my father didn't realize that the rolls in the oven were burned until it was too late.
Français : inconscient : Ex ; Ignorant l'odeur de brûlé provenant de la cuisine, mon père n'a réalisé que les petits pains dans le four étaient brûlés jusqu'à ce qu'il soit trop tard.
Español : inconsciente: Ej; Sin darse cuenta del olor a quemado que salía de la cocina, mi padre no se dio cuenta de que los panecillos en el horno estaban quemados hasta que fue demasiado tarde.
Português : alheio: Ex; Sem perceber o cheiro de queimado que vinha da cozinha, meu pai só percebeu que os pãezinhos no forno estavam queimados quando já era tarde demais.

perspicacity : Ex : The detective was too modest to admit that his keen perspicacity was the foundation of his professional accomplishments. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : pèspicasite
English : perspicacity : Ex : The detective was too modest to admit that his keen perspicacity was the foundation of his professional accomplishments.
Français : perspicacité : Ex : Le détective était trop modeste pour admettre que sa vive perspicacité était le fondement de ses réalisations professionnelles.
Español : perspicacia: Ej: El detective era demasiado modesto para admitir que su aguda perspicacia era la base de sus logros profesionales.
Português : perspicácia: Ex: O detetive era modesto demais para admitir que sua perspicácia aguçada era a base de suas realizações profissionais.

zenith : Ex : I was too kind to inform Nelly that she had reached the absolute zenith of her career with that one hit of hers. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : zenit
English : zenith : Ex : I was too kind to inform Nelly that she had reached the absolute zenith of her career with that one hit of hers.
Français : zenith : Ex : J'ai eu la gentillesse d'informer Nelly qu'elle avait atteint le zénith absolu de sa carrière avec son seul tube.
Español : cenit: Ej: Fui muy amable al informarle a Nelly que había alcanzado el cenit absoluto de su carrera con ese éxito suyo.
Português : zênite: Ex: Fui muito gentil em informar a Nelly que ela havia atingido o auge absoluto de sua carreira com aquele hit dela.

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