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Dictionary: English to Creole

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air appearance
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : air appearance

aloof :Ex: The scientist occasionally appeared aloof, giving the impression that he didn't care about his friends or family, but in reality, he was simply absorbed in thoughts about quantum mechanics. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : lwen
English : aloof :Ex: The scientist occasionally appeared aloof, giving the impression that he didn't care about his friends or family, but in reality, he was simply absorbed in thoughts about quantum mechanics.
Français : distant :Ex : Le scientifique paraissait parfois distant, donnant l'impression qu'il ne se souciait pas de ses amis ou de sa famille, mais en réalité, il était simplement absorbé par ses réflexions sur la mécanique quantique.
Español : distante :Ej: El científico de vez en cuando parecía distante, dando la impresión de que no le importaban sus amigos o familiares, pero en realidad, simplemente estaba absorto en pensamientos sobre la mecánica cuántica.
Português : indiferente :Ex: O cientista ocasionalmente parecia indiferente, dando a impressão de que não se importava com seus amigos ou familiares, mas na realidade, ele estava simplesmente absorto em pensamentos sobre a mecânica quântica.

Appear (in court) Topic: Legal.
Kreyòl : Parèt (nan tribinal)
English : Appear (in court)
Français : Comparaître (au tribunal)
Español : Comparecer (ante el tribunal)
Português : Aparecer (no tribunal)

appear : Ex : Are you asking about how something looks or appears? [v.]
Kreyòl : parèt
English : appear : Ex : Are you asking about how something looks or appears?
Français : apparaître : Ex : demandez-vous à quoi ressemble ou apparaît quelque chose ?
Español : aparecer: Ej: ¿Estás preguntando cómo se ve o aparece algo?
Português : aparecer: Ex: Você está perguntando sobre a aparência ou aparência de algo?

appear :Ex: How did that appear out of nowhere? Topic: Egzanp.
Kreyòl : parèt
English : appear :Ex: How did that appear out of nowhere?
Français : apparaître :Ex : Comment est-ce que cela est apparu de nulle part ?
Español : aparecer :Ej: ¿Cómo apareció eso de la nada?
Português : aparecer :Ex: Como isso apareceu do nada?

appear come in sight
Kreyòl : zzzz
English : appear come in sight

appearance [n.]
Kreyòl : aparans
English : appearance
Français : apparence
Español : apariencia
Português : aparência

Kreyòl : aparèy elektrik
English : appearance
Français : apparence
Español : apariencia
Português : aparência

appearance (before a judge)
Kreyòl : aparans (devan yon jij)
English : appearance (before a judge)
Français : comparution (devant un juge)
Español : (la) comparecencia
Português : comparecimento (diante de um juiz)

Appearance (in court) Topic: Legal.
Kreyòl : Aparisyon (nan tribinal)
English : Appearance (in court)
Français : Comparution (au tribunal)
Español : Comparecencia
Português : Aparência (em tribunal)

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to appear.

appear :Ex: How did that appear out of nowhere?, to appear* appear , Appear (in court), appear , appear come in sight, Failure to appear (FTA), presumptuou , Request for Reconsideration–Disability Cessation Right to Appear (Form-SSA-789), Stoma Appear, Waiver of Right to Appear (Form SSA-773-U4).

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