Creole101 is a smart Haitian Creole Dictionary in 5 languages (see Creole101): Creole Proverbs, Creole Quotes, list of 170 English irregular verbs, Rhymes, Blog about Haiti and Creole.

Dictionary: English to Creole

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animated : Ex : When he begins to talk about drama, which is his true passion, he becomes very animated. [n.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : anime
English : animated : Ex : When he begins to talk about drama, which is his true passion, he becomes very animated.
Français : animé : Ex : Lorsqu'il commence à parler de théâtre, qui est sa véritable passion, il devient très animé.
Español : animado: Ej: Cuando empieza a hablar de teatro, que es su verdadera pasión, se anima mucho.
Português : animado: Ex: Quando ele começa a falar sobre drama, que é sua verdadeira paixão, ele fica muito animado.

no dyòl (mouth) to talk [expr.]
Kreyòl : No dyòl toutòk
English : no dyòl (mouth) to talk
Français : rester bouche bée
Español : quedarse sin palabras
Português : permanecer sem palavras

sent : Ex : You got it! What would you like to talk about?
Kreyòl : voyé
English : sent : Ex : You got it! What would you like to talk about?
Français : envoyé : Ex : Vous l'avez compris ! De quoi aimerais-tu parler?
Español : enviado: Ej: ¡Lo tienes! ¿Qué te gustaría hablar?
Português : enviado: Ex: Você acertou! Sobre o que você gostaria de falar?

This will probably seem crazy, but I saw you and I thought it would be stupid if I didn’t come to talk to you. Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Sa pwobableman parèt fou, men m te wè w epi m panse li pa t ap bon si m pa vin pale ak ou.
English : This will probably seem crazy, but I saw you and I thought it would be stupid if I didn’t come to talk to you.
Français : Ça va te paraître fou, mais je t’ai vu et je me suis dit que ce serait idiot de ne pas venir te parler.
Español : This will probably seem crazy, but I saw you and I thought it would be stupid if I didn’t come to talk to you.
Português : Provavelmente vai parecer loucura, mas eu vi você e pensei que seria estúpido se não fosse falar com você.

to joke, to kid around; to talk or act foolishly; to work in vain, accomplish nothing; to deceive [n.] Topic: Kreyòl lakay.
Kreyòl : betize
English : to joke, to kid around; to talk or act foolishly; to work in vain, accomplish nothing; to deceive
Français : plaisanter ; parler ou agir bêtement ; travailler en vain, ne rien accomplir ; decevoir
Español : bromear; hablar o actuar tontamente; trabajar en vano, no lograr nada; para engañar
Português : brincar; falar ou agir tolamente; trabalhar em vão, não realizar nada; enganar

to speak, to talk [n.]
Kreyòl : pale
English : to speak, to talk
Français : parler
Español : hablar
Português : falar

To talk a lot Topic: Ekspresyon popilè.
Kreyòl : Pou pale anpil
English : To talk a lot
Français : Parler beaucoup
Español : Hablar por los codos
Português : Falar pelos cotovelos

To talk excessively Topic: Ekspresyon popilè.
Kreyòl : Pou pale twòp
English : To talk excessively
Français : Parler excessivement
Español : Hablar hasta por los codos
Português : Falar excessivamente

to talk nonsense; to act silly
Kreyòl : voye flè
English : to talk nonsense; to act silly
Français : dire des bêtises; faire des bêtises
Español : decir tonterías; actuar tontamente
Português : falar bobagens; agir como bobo

To talk nonsense; to rave [v. ent.]
Kreyòl : jèbèdè
English : To talk nonsense; to rave
Français : Dire des bêtises ; délirer
Español : Decir tonterías; alardear
Português : Para falar bobagens; delirar

Gift: Check also the entries within the same family or similar to To talk.

talk , about , about, of , come let me talk to you, crazy talk, forum , hash out; discuss; talk over, make small talk, My friends bet me I wouldn’t talk to the prettiest girl in the bar. Can I buy you a drink with their money?, no dyòl (mouth) to talk, sent , talk , talk a lot, talk foolishly, talk nonsense, talk nonsense, talk nonsense, talk too much, there is talk much.

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