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Dictionary: Spanish to Creole

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Where do you want to eat?
Kreyòl : Ki kote ou vle manje?
English : Where do you want to eat?
Français : Où voulez-vous/veux-tu manger ?
Español : Where do you want to eat?
Português : Onde você quer comer?

It’s cold, do you want my jacket? Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Li fè frèt, ou vle jakèt mwen an?
English : It’s cold, do you want my jacket?
Français : Il fait froid, tu veux ma veste ?
Español : It’s cold, do you want my jacket?
Português : Está frio, você quer minha jaqueta?

Do you have a light? I want to light my cigarette and your heart at the same time! Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Ou gen yon limyè? Mwen vle limen sigarèt mwen ak kè ou an menm tan!
English : Do you have a light? I want to light my cigarette and your heart at the same time!
Français : Est-ce que tu as du feu ? J’aimerais allumer ma cigarette et ton cœur, en même temps !
Español : Do you have a light? I want to light my cigarette and your heart at the same time!
Português : Você tem um isqueiro? Quero acender meu cigarro e seu coração ao mesmo tempo!

Can you take a picture please? Or a selfie if you want to be in it? Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Ou ka pran yon foto tanpri? Oswa yon selfie si ou vle yo nan li?
English : Can you take a picture please? Or a selfie if you want to be in it?
Français : Est-ce tu peux prendre une photo s’il te plaît ? Ou un selfie si tu veux être dessus ?
Español : Can you take a picture please? Or a selfie if you want to be in it?
Português : Você pode tirar uma foto, por favor? Ou uma selfie, se você quiser participar?

Do you want to get coffee? Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Ou vle pran kafe?
English : Do you want to get coffee?
Français : Tu veux aller boire un café ?
Español : Do you want to get coffee?
Português : Você quer tomar café?

If you want to know why I’m following you, it’s because my father always told me to follow my dream. Topic: Koze.
Kreyòl : Si w vle konnen poukisa m ap suiv ou, se paske papa m te toujou di m pou m suiv rèv mwen.
English : If you want to know why I’m following you, it’s because my father always told me to follow my dream.
Français : Si tu veux savoir pourquoi je te suis, c’est parce que mon père m’a toujours dit de poursuivre mon rêve.
Español : If you want to know why I’m following you, it’s because my father always told me to follow my dream.
Português : Se você quer saber por que estou te seguindo é porque meu pai sempre me disse para seguir meu sonho.

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