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what child is this
who laid to rest
on mary's lap is sleeping
whom angels greet with anthems sweet
while shepherds watch are keeping
this, this is christ the king
whom shepherds guard and angels sing
haste, haste to bring him praise
the babe, the son of mary

he lies in such a lowly place
where ox and ass are feeding
the end of fear for all who hear
the silent word is speaking

this, this is christ the king
whom shepherds guard and angels sing
haste, haste to bring him praise
the babe, the son of mary

so bring him incense,
gold and myrrh,
come peasant king to love him;
the king of kings salvation brings,
let loving hearts enthrone him.

this, this is christ the king
whom shepherds guard and angels sing
haste, haste to bring him praise
the babe, the son of mary

raise, raise the song on high,
the virgin sings her lullaby:
joy, joy for christ is born,
the babe, the son of mary.

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