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If You Could See What I See (The Cart Song)
[JW Broadcasting - February 2015]

I'm just a cart, made up of bits and pieces.
A frame, a handle, and some wheels.
But Ι am a cart that helps to give a witness.
What is that like? Let me tell you how it feels.

If you could see what I see,
If you could visit all the places that I go.
If you could see the people there,
And get a glimpse of all the faces that I get to know.

If you could hear, what I hear,
When they see things they've never had a chance to see.
That's when you'll see how it can be,
That forever they'll remember me.

I've got wheels, I've got racks, I've got books, and I've got tracts.
I take the Kingdom message everywhere.
When the crowds pass me by, I'm designed to catch their eye.
Wherever people gather, count on me 'cause I'll be there.

If you could do, what I do,
You'd know the happiness that always fills my heart.
What a feeling, to go wheeling,
I'm so glad to be a public witness cart.

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