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  • Album: 2Gether
  • Lyrics: Say It Don't Spray It
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Girl, I can't understand you
you're like reading a big fat book in hebrew
& I can tell by the way you drool
you don't mean to be cruel

Oh baby, 'fess up to your feelings
& tell me you need me
'cause your ass is very pleasing

Girl you've gotta say it
say it
Don't spray it
don't spray it
I want the news
I want the news
not the weather

Say it
say it
Don't spray it
don't spray it
I want the news
I want the news
not the weather

So say goodbye to those Levi's
& say hello to my sweet thighs
We can hokie pokie
just give me the okie dokie

Fess up to your feelings
Baby I'm needy
Oh baby, I'm really, really needy

Girl you've gotta say it
say it
Don't spray it
don't spray it
I want the news
I want the news
not the weather

Say it
say it
Don't spray it
don't spray it
I want the news
I want the news
not the weather
Wave your hands if you like
what's making ya
wave your hands if you like

Don't you hear me now teasing
your ass is so pleasing
as long as I'm breathing
it makes me a heathen

Come on, come on
everybody in the house
I want the news

He he, he he Say it
say it
Don't spray it
don't spray it
I want the news
I want the news
not the weather


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